New Years Eve 2002, 8 of us (3, including myself in wetsuits) drove down to the King St Marina in Burlington VT, on Lake Champlain and geared up around 11:30pm. We entered the water around 11:45 and stayed down for 13 minutes. We surfaced in time to float on the surface and watch the fireworks at midnight. We high-fived and splashed each other, wishing each other Happy New Year. Then, once the fireworks subsided, we dropped down again and finished the dive, getting out of the water around 12:20am. We had our last dive of 2002 and first dive of 2003, all in one dive.Gidds:Ok I am refusing to discuss my drysuit any further until it actually arrives :frown: *pout* so I thought I'd open a new can of worms:
Please share your coolest winter diving experience.
Maybe you saw some cool critters or got to do something that you couldn't in the summer with all the crowds around. Maybe it was bloody cold and your mask froze:11: Maybe you just went diving on a beautiful winter day This is the first year that I've gone diving after September so I want to know what I have to look foward to.
We are talking of doing it again this year, as it was so much fun.