The specs call out two pressures. One the stamped pressure at reference temperature. Two an adjustment for a warmer temperature. That adjustment is greater than what is needed from the gas laws by a fair margin. You can hit either constraint per the spec. So filling a tank to the warm temp constraint is in spec, even if it cools to higher than the ref temperature constraint point. That is the spec. Details in an earlier thread, when I dug this up. I dug this up with respect to LP tanks, which add a bit more language.
Now, that is more complex than never above stamped or never cool above stamped. But those are not the spec. From my careful reading of the spec. If you had to cool never above stamped (or +10%), that is had to hit. But never cool (at reference temp) above stamped is not the spec. If you disagree, site the spec.
To the OP, I think a print out of the spec paragraphs, in that earlier thread, and a graph of those two constraints could help you. Either constraint can be met. Now, that may not be how the shop was trained. Or the additional rules they may want to follow.