You don't spend much time in the St. Lawrence I see
There are 100's of meters of lines running to sites all throughout it, Lock21, Gaskin, Rothesay, Kingshorn the list goes on. However looking at google earth and your vid it would be pretty hard to miss. I don't know how nicely I can ask but you're welcome to give a tour on Saturday morning 

Lines never work in Canada. The ice flow always ruins them. Personally I wouldn't waste my time. The lines will just end up ensnaring some poor fish/animal or get caught up on the wreck and pull it apart.
So simple to get to if you watch the video. I even have the exact landmark to swim out from. The wreck is over 100 feet lying about east to west generally. Can't miss it if you just watch the video I posted. Ill even show you personally if you ask nicely.