I've put mine into deco a few times but never by a whole lot. It's never required any deep stops. As a matter of fact, I've never seen it require one deeper than 10ft, but I do know that if you stay at depth in deco mode, your ceiling will continue to fall, how far I don't know. But I do believe I read this info somewhere. Let me play with the simulator and get back to you.
Another thing is that the Vyper, and other comparable Suuntos, use what they call "Continuous Decompression". What that means is that rather than require you to make stops at fixed depths, the computer allows you to decompress within a range of depths. For instance, if I only put my Vyper say 5 minutes into deco at 120', then start my ascent. If I ascend slowly, say 30ft per min, by the time I get to the stop at 15ft I would have already done the required deco and the ceiling/deco requirements will be gone. I'd still have to complete the safety stop, but wouldn't have a deco obligation. Now if I were to stay longer, then I'd probably still have to make a deco stop. But I've not yet put it that far into deco.