computer to grow with? (to v or not to v -- versa or vyper for the long term)

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San Francisco Bay Area
Hello Scubaboard friends,

I know that all of this has been asked in one form or another, but I am trying to ask it in my own form so I can get some opinions for my needs.

I am planning to buy a computer. I have been bitten by the scuba bug so I am sure my interest will only grow and grow. So I want a computer that will last me a while. So I know I want nitrox capable, I already have gauges and I don't want to spend money for air integration. I want to keep things pretty simple. I know a lot of people just use charts and bottom timers, so I want a computer that has that option, but I also want to take advantage of its features. I want a wrist mount just because I prefer that position to having it on the console. I want a good display and a good quality machine.

I get the feeling from this board that a lot of advanced divers only use bottom timers. But I also get the feeling of a strong preference for suunto's conservative and more intricate algorithm. But I am thinking, the versa pro has a nice display, I can back off if I want to be more conservative, and if I ever get more advanced maybe I'll just want to use bottom timer functionality anyway. So is the versa pro a good computer I can grow with or is it worth the extra money (an important consideration to me) to get the suunto? On paper the versa pro looks great -- good display, similar features to the vyper (the other one I am considering).

Please help me to learn what I am overlooking. I have been very happy with other buys I have made when I took the time to ask on this board first so please bear with me as I ask this sort of common question.

All the best!
Vyper.........IMO. Also considered the Versa Pro but dive log memory was not as long if my memory is correct. Both are downloadable if your into that as well. I chose Suunto. There's not that much difference in price anyway. Buy what YOU like.
I would go with the Vyper. Do a search here on SB, or go to and and compare features, and then decide what works best for you.
Thank you for the vyper votes. For me at this stage the features are equally useful. I don't have a good sense for any features down the road that if I bought the versa pro I would think "gee, I wish I had gotten the vyper instead." I suppose durability is also a concern. I have seen a few posts of people who had trouble with the oceanic computers, less with the vyper (though some with the suunto mosquito). I get a sense that the suunto's are sturdier, but I do not know if that is just a scubaboard bias.

You guys are right though, it comes down to what I like. I have tried out the versa pro in person so I probably should go and check out the vyper too.

More feedback would be great...any other opinions out there?
Definitely the Vyper! Very easy to operate and great functionality. You can set the Vyper to be more conservative as well. Either computer will be a blessing with the multi-level NDL which greatly increases your bottom time over "table" diving.

Most of the posts you have seen of divers using their computer only as a bottom timer are deco divers--and the Vyper can be used in this way if you later decide to go more technical with your diving. Nearly everyone making recreational dives (even those of us who do deco dives as well) will use the computer as a computer and enjoy having it make the calculations. Most of us will also check our planned dive against a table before making the dive so we know about how long we will have should the computer fail or battery die.

Happy diving to you,
Hello all,

I decided on the Vyper. My fiancee has the versa pro so we'll be able to compare now.

A factor in the decision was the fact that I was able to get the vyper from an lds for the same price as online. The versa pro was cheaper online, but since they have treated me well at the lds I decided to go there. For me the computers seem pretty comparable. I do like the versa's display, but the suunto felt a little sturdier and I like the layout of the display. Probably peer pressure from the scuba board was a factor too, though not the deciding one. I guess I also like that we have different computers so we can compare the readouts from each -- though from what I understand mine will always be more conservative.

Thank you for your input, I hope I enjoy my purchase. I think I research and think about these things too shouldn't be such a tough decision. But these things aren't cheap and I don't want to regret my decision.

It seems that a lot of people are comparing these two computers so I hope this thread helps them out too. Maybe as we get more impressions from comparing the computers I can post more.

All the best,

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