Hi guys, I have a small collection of regulators, most of them scubapro, I almost always dive with mk5-mk10 with 109-156, but from time to time I like to rotate and use them all, on Sunday it's the turn of the mk11 -c370 and as octopus a calypso with 22 years (simple record downstream with fewer pieces than a pacifier) immersion from land to 30m, go with c370 and to return I usually use the secondary to use it, well surprise, the calypso breathes the same or better than the c370. My reflection is why add twice as many parts and engineering for the same result? Greetings to all
The vast majority of divers are over sold on their equipment and carry way too many doo dads and assorted junk and fluff with them for what are mostly very simple and easy dives. Even lower end regs today out perform the needs of nearly any diver under nearly any circumstance.
In my continuing efforts to reach some sort of SCUBA minimalist state I have come upon the consideration via long meditation that anything beyond the SP Mk 2 may be a complication. Coupled with the best second stage ever devised, that being the Scubapro G250, I think I could be approaching a Zen moment of enlightenment.