@gotdogs? not a false impression at all. There are officially 32 operations with a strong united front working together on many issues, including the pier fees and Harbor Master issues. We also have a group chat where we communicate daily and help Each other out in many ways with everything from protesting together at the harbor masters office, to renting boats and space from each other, to helping solve bigger issues and supporting each other.
@Prop Joe - see my posts in that thread you linked in your post. That is EXACTLY what we are doing. We have representatives traveling to Mexico City this week to meet with top
Level officials. We have videos of actual
Conditions from Several sites throughout the park from North to South as well
As print outs of tourist complaints on social
Media and emails as well as a Suggested plan to have formal protocols to determine port closures when actually warranted.
We are hard at work on many things in a VERY united effort despite certain claims by one person.
As mentioned in my previous post and I will
Clarify - I was not bad mouthing Aldora in any way, shape or form. I have complete respect for Memo and the Aldora team. Memo is in fact a participant in our united efforts - he and his team run a first class operation. My comments were specifically directed at Dave personally re his claims of jealous competitors causing his east side diving to be shut down and other disparaging comments about all other shops.