Blackwater Hunter
Well, if everything failed, which is very unlikely if you take care of your gear, then that's just a really bad day. You could go diving and just die. Death is never 100% factored out with training, it's just mitigated. If all your gear fails...Lady luck did not like you that day. Divers with complete scuba failure are NOT safe either. Experienced divers have sadly died doing this, or died being the helper. A panicked diver can kill another diver trying to save them. A pony bottle is better in this use case because you can just give them the tank.This is a good example, here, you are only seeing the primary second stage failure and concluding the back up second stage (octopus) is the salvation, this is true only for the scenarios where the primary 2nd was the ONLY part that failed. There are several failures which would hinder the entire system unusable, or deplete your entire gas supply fast, very fast.
I maybe completely outnumbered here on this take, but the octopus can kill more people than it saves if the divers are in a complete panic. You need a LONG hose just so they don't rip the entire hose out, AND they will be breathing 5 times more air than normal which is now depleting your tank by a lot. Add to the fact you HAVE to calm them down so they can follow you instead of bolting to the surface, something panicked divers often do.