Club Website: Opinons and Ideas wanted (TX.lakerats check-in please)

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I just like jerking your chain....I didn't figure lakerats would mind a temp sex change, besides its hard to tell sex from a screen name.

Tabatha did do the logo. That was just as much a mental note to myself of something that I need to do as anything.

Catch22's wife has done a great looking banner for his truck. If I could catch up with them again, I'm going to get her to do one for me.

ok tom. i do remember from talking to tab last time i dove with texas mike that she said she could get the logo to anyone in any format or size that they needed.

Debbie did a banner for us, too.

Dan, I think I still have the file Tabitha sent me of the original logo. If we can't get holf of her, I can probably make the changes we need or send the file to someone who can.
coding specialties (JS, ASP, JAVA, etc) also and anything else like flash, fireworks(graphics), etc?

JS -Yes
ASP - Yes
JAVA - Yes
Flash - Yes
Fireworks - Yes
Hey Tooth -
Maybe just upload some stuff that you have right now and we can see where to add or change??

Just an idea...
Has anyone heard from Scubatooth lately?? Just wondering how this was coming along??!!!
sorry i have been around on the board mainly lurking between classes, which isnt alot of time(i have , but lakerats hope fully i can get the general templete done mon or tues. which credit hours, but its 8am-9-10 pm monday - thursday) then i will post on site for you to look at, i will also post a design idea sheet for ideas for things to do.

on the templete i will try to get the look done for review and the work on the other elements (buttons, sections etc).

also Dee if you see this could you send me a copy of the logo so i can use that in the temple (largest resoultion as possible)


sorry about the
Sorry, Tooth...been really busy too. I'll send you the logo I have via email

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