Club Website: Opinons and Ideas wanted (TX.lakerats check-in please)

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Plain old Texas
# of dives
200 - 499
Dee said i should start another thread about this so i am.

Alright well its after first of the year and i actually have more then about 15 minutes to think/ relax, so im getting to my list of things to do and the clubs website is on the top of the list.

first off would be a generlised templete for the site, when lakerats mentioned the LDS he is associated with link would be a templete just like that except modified a little bit to suit it to the team better, that is if he allows us .

Sections or areas of the site
About us (general information about the group and how to join)
Gallery- for all of the great pics from Dee and the team
Local dive info?
Trip Reports?

Contact Us, and i could put a list together of member who would like to be on that email list

if there is a question mark after the item it was a idea that i had and added it but is subject to being added based off what everybody wants

Private area(s)
For member name and contact information

But items i would like to include
flash Animation - for the top header for the team logo, and some other items.
Button rollovers, etc.

But if anything this is the teams site not mine, im just the person taking your ideas and putting them to the web, so in and all input is welcome

lakerats site looks great! Very professional. Although there is the menu that is "in your face" as the page loads (unless that is intended). Of course, I have a sloooww connection.

In my uneducated opinion, for that template, the menu, if left where it's at, might be better starting where the "maps & directions" or "courses" section start. The menu intrusion (good placement though) on the photo is kinda?...composition? The placement of the whole menu looks better once you scroll down to the other stuff. But that's subjective.

¿question marks?
You hit 'em on that one.

Flash and rollover is good.

Now, where's the other 2,645 design options? J/K

And...when we goin' divin'?

im still looking for opinons on the site because i want it to be the groups not a idea going to code from the minds of lakerats, and I(tooth)

Tooth...I stuck this thread so it won't get lost.

I like Lakerats site, too, but I don't want to copy it exactly. I like the menu thing offset in the center, it's different. Flash and roll overs is OK unless over done. And Jimmy Buffet music! In fact, no music at all.

A few things I'd like to see....
Photo gallery...I need a place for my green water pictures!
List of Texas dive sites...A recent thread listed most of them with good reviews of each.
List of charter services for Gulf and Rig diving...I can help you with a few links for this. Maybe members will write reviews when/if they use the ones on the list.
Dive shop listing....As we travel from one part of the state to another, it would be nice to know if there are any dive shops in the area. For instance, we went to Dallas this weekend and didn't realize that Scuba Toys is in Dallas. If the shops have websites, we can make a links page.

If you want to use any of my photos anywhere, just let me know which ones.
Checking in... checking in....
Be sure to include the link to the cafepress web site that tx.lakerats created. SHE did a great job on that one. I have control over it, but I pretty much just leave it alone.

I do need to send the logo back to its creator for the modifications that are needed.

I like the site list idea. Links to the web sites for Athens, CSSP, twin lakes, etc... would be good too. Yall know where I am... give me a shout if I can help.

sorry tom, and sorry lake rats for the butchering on the title.

tom ? i though caverQT(tabitha) did the work on the orginal logo, or am i confusing different items ?

No prob Tooth....

How's the website coming....
so far its still on paper, minus part of the templete that is put togther.

? do you have dreamweaver? also do you have any webdesign specialties?


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