i hear PADI has a new specialty class, "Dressing Room Safety for the AWARE
you have to visit six dive shops, buy something, and try it on under the
supervision of an instructor
Ber Rabbit:
Are women the only ones who have enough sense to shop in groups
well... you know why women do this? it's so they can TALK the whole way
through the shopping experience
there are unisex dressing rooms at a local dive shop, and trying anything
on when women are around is a nightmare!
ACT I, Scene One:
andy struggles with too-tight shorts, while from the next stall, he
and then i'm like, "whatever!"
oh my god!
yeah... so i'm like "whatever!!! and she's like "whatEVER"
oh MY GOD!
yeah, so it's like WHATEVER! you know what i mean?