Hi Canard,
Might wish to check out NeilMed Sinus Rinse.
"Preliminary Report:
Prophylactic Nasal Irrigation to Facilitate Middle Ear Pressure Equalization in Experienced Scuba Divers
David F Colvard, MD Raleigh, NC
Objective: Middle ear squeeze caused by difficulty equalizing the pressure in ears during descent and ascent is among the most common problems in recreational scuba divers. Many divers use pre-dive oral or topical decongestants to help equalize pressure in their middle ears and sinuses. This study aimed to determine the efficacy and safety of the alternative of nasal irrigation prophylaxis among experienced divers to facilitate middle ear pressure equalization and reduce the use of decongestant medications.
Methods: Web-based "Before" and "After" questionnaires were taken by experienced scuba divers who had previously reported having difficulty equalizing their middle ears or having used oral or topical decongestants and who volunteered to use free samples of NeilMed's SINUS RINSE? irrigation system before diving. (Surveys were taken between Nov 2005 and Sep 2006.)
Results: One hundred male and female experienced divers completed both "Before" and "After" web-based questionnaires. Forty-four (44.0%) reported less nasal congestion after using SINUS RINSE? and ten (10.0%) reported more nasal congestion. Sixty-nine (69.0%) reported less frequent difficulty in clearing or equalizing their ears and five (5.0%) reported more frequent difficulty. Forty-one of 68 divers (60.3%) for whom use of oral decongestants were applicable reported decreased or discontinued use. Twenty-one of 38 divers (55.3%) for whom use of decongestant sprays or drops were applicable reported decreased or discontinued use. None reported increased use of decongestants in any form. Seventy-two (72.0%) would recommend the SINUS RINSE? system to other divers and three would not.
Conclusions: Experienced scuba divers continue to dive despite the medical relative risk of nasal congestion and difficulty clearing or equalizing their middle ears. Nasal irrigation can effectively and safely reduce nasal congestion and decrease the frequency and difficulty in clearing or equalizing their middle ears in many divers. Additionally, nasal irrigation can decrease the use of decongestants, both oral and spray or drops, and reduce the risk of rebound congestion and reverse middle ear squeeze during or after a dive when the decongestants might have worn off. A nasal irrigation system like NeilMed's SINUS RINSE? appears to be an economical, convenient, safe, and effective prophylactic alternative to decongestant medications for many recreational divers who choose to dive despite the medical relative risk of nasal congestion and difficulty clearing or equalizing their middle ear. "