Clear Mask Skirt vs. Black Mask Skirt

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I am using black skirt mask simply because the like things in black. I started with a clear skirt and it broke. So I decided to replace it with a black skirt Mares X-Vision. Just got myself another pair of black Oceanic Shadow.

In fact, all my dive equipments are in black color. Many said that diving is no fashion show as it is more important that the equipments are reliable. I certainly agree. And it happens that I just intentionally buy them in black. :11ztongue
This concept to the best of my knowledge and opinion did not come into being until fairly recently and I have read several DIR sites that state a black mask is prefered, thus my beleif they are the trend setters for this Back to Black trend.

someone better inform George Irvine that he isn't DIR:

From: "George Irvine" <trey@m...>
Date: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:05 pm
Subject: RE: [gavinscooters] Re: black vs clear mask

Clear skirt works better for seeing any light or movement around you. If you have a stroke buddy who is flashing his light all over the place, change buddies, not masks. Being aware of exactly where your buddy is at all times is critical to successful diving. I have NEVER moved away from a buddy not knowing where he is at all times, and I attribute that to my mindset on this subject and my gear. On the other hand, I do not dive with anyone who sails off into the sunset and never knows I am not there - more than once.

I think the black skirt thing is another "look slick" idea that acts as a handicap. Now that Scuba Pro bought TUSA , the Scuba Pro dealers will be able to sell the proper TUSA mask. There are some people whose face will not fit the TUSA and will fit the other single lens Scuba Pro, but they just have to be a lot more vigilant to overcome the problem, or dive with a buddy like me who makes sure they know where I am. I tried using one of the other Scuba Pros as a backup mask, but the cheap *** skirt takes a set and renders it useless. My favorite backups are the LV freediving masks, or just another standard TUSA ( now Scuba Pro).

The concept of night blindness does not apply unless we are talking light shined directly into your eyes that would cause your pupils to constrict, and then you again are dealing with a stroke buddy.
Honestly, this is the first time I have ever heard of black masks being DIR driven.

Do others agree with this statement?


Yeah I had never heard that one before. Black skirted masks have been around much longer than this whole DIR craze. Remember the big oval shaped masks with the chrome frames, threw the last one I had away about 10 years ago.
Yeah I had never heard that one before. Black skirted masks have been around much longer than this whole DIR craze. Remember the big oval shaped masks with the chrome frames, threw the last one I had away about 10 years ago.

I've heard that it was but someone has quoted George Irvine going the other way. Jarrod Jablonski doesn't cover it in his GUE site but DIR-Mexico states that it should be black:

Hope this confuses things further.

Who sang it best "Black is Black, I want my baby Black ...."
To clarify all the things I said earlier, I want to point out that I don't think a black skirt will *increase* your ability to see in any significant way.. my point was that any change in vision by going to a clear skirt from a black skirt will *decrease* your vision.. but IMO it's insignificant.
I gotta be honest with you, I never ever not even once thought that I looked good, or cool in any scuba mask. I just prefer black because its less distracting and I seem to have better depth perception with it. However, if anyone has been able to pick up more chicks wearing a black mask over a clear one I would be most interested in hearing about it!
To clarify all the things I said earlier, I want to point out that I don't think a black skirt will *increase* your ability to see in any significant way.. my point was that any change in vision by going to a clear skirt from a black skirt will *decrease* your vision.. but IMO it's insignificant.
ahhh yes, this brings an "acuity" to the "peripheral" "view"point that I have been "looking" for(eyes). Your "clarification" brings "light" to a subject that is often "masked". If you're not careful, however, I can see you becoming a "spectacle". Just be careful who your "contacts" are. Personally speaking, I think you are a true "visionary". Whewwwww! Thank you, thank you.
ahhh yes, this brings an "acuity" to the "peripheral" "view"point that I have been "looking" for(eyes). Your "clarification" brings "light" to a subject that is often "masked". If you're not careful, however, I can see you becoming a "spectacle". Just be careful who your "contacts" are. Personally speaking, I think you are a true "visionary". Whewwwww! Thank you, thank you.
Wow, dude.

Did that hurt? ;)
However, if anyone has been able to pick up more chicks wearing a black mask over a clear one I would be most interested in hearing about it!

The true source of all gear innovation revealed.

DIR Schmee-Eye-Are. You gotta ask yourself, "can my gear pull chicks....?"

This is the most brilliant post of 2005.

You win nothing. ;)

I don't ever remember such a time, masks were available in white, yellow, orange, various blue colors and of course black and I have several such masks. You or correct, non were translucent but only because it had not been thought of.

Actually, it's because back in those days mask skirts were made out of rubber instead of silicone ... and rubber doesn't come in clear ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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