Clear Mask Skirt vs. Black Mask Skirt

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Hmmm, i remember when all you could get was black. I don't think DIR was around back then.
"Hmmm, i remember when all you could get was black. I don't think DIR was around back then."

I don't ever remember such a time, masks were available in white, yellow, orange, various blue colors and of course black and I have several such masks. You or correct, non were translucent but only because it had not been thought of. The return to black is DIR driven, that is my opinion, I am not claiming any facts. Do all of those "window" masks with all the various panes in them allow "reflections" and glare off the glass, I would think they might as well but have never heard that complaint against them, maybe so.
I am looking at an old Voit add here from the early 60s, the wet suits are multi colored prints---not solid---not striped on black, but greenish and almost camo looking. The masks are mostly blue and available in black as were the fins. The tanks look white. They don't got no BC. The idea that everything used to be black is not true or that black was even the main color in fins and masks. The Voit fins were made in many colors as were USD fins and masks and wetsuits were out in blue, yellow, black and various striped seams and patterns. Black was not considered a universal color, I was there. This concept to the best of my knowledge and opinion did not come into being until fairly recently and I have read several DIR sites that state a black mask is prefered, thus my beleif they are the trend setters for this Back to Black trend. In those times we considered all black to be themilitary frogman look.
I heard this on Public Radio, an interview with a Coast Guard lady, the subject was terrorism and reporting suspicious activity. She matter of factly stated that citizens should report such activity and one of the things she used as an example of suspicious activity was scuba divers dressed all in black!!!!!! Yep, hand me that clear mask and those yellow fins please! N
ok, i wear a black-skirted mask simply because i like how it looks better on underwater
pics of myself (such as the one on my profile)

the clear skirt (well, actually.. the clear nose) looked funny to me. i didn't like it.

so... to black i went

i wish i had a more technical reason, but there you have it
I started with a black skirt Tusa and didn't really know what I was missing, but noticed my buddy kept seeing everything, while I was turning in circles to look. I got the Mythos with a clear skirt, and WOW, what a difference, though granted the make of the mask improves the tunnel vision before the skirt makes a difference.

I haven't had any trouble with side glare with the clear skirt though? I have really good peripheral vision and it's not horrendously high volume.
I use a black skirt. I like how it reduces distractions.

My wife uses a clear skirt. It causes a lot of distractions...
I have 2 Zeagle masks - the one I use mostly is the black Ebon. I prefer the black skirt because it seems to focus my field on vision. I have never found peripheral vision to be an issue. The last clear skirt I had was a Tusa Liberator which I loved. But the Ebon fits much better - I sat in Leisurepro for about an hour trying on about 20 different masks.

I had no idea what DIR was until recently.
Just did a google search on "clear mask skirts". The first site that came up said this...."A majority of divers prefer masks with clear skirts which let in the maximum amount of light" the website is I bet I can find hundreds more like it.

I was wrong about the photography part. The same website said that divers who phocus on a single object (photographers) will choose a dark skirt to avoid glare from an external light. To each his own!

Too be a little more exact, your website states:


The most basic difference in masks lies in the number of lenses. Single-lens masks were the first developed and remain a popular choice worldwide because they provide a broad, uninterrupted view. Two lens masks are typically lower in internal volume than single-lens masks and quicker to clear. Almost all modern mask skirts are made of silicone, with the primary differences being the quality and suppleness of the material, and its colour. A majority of divers prefer masks with clear silicone skirts which let in the maximum amount of light. Those who tend to focus on a single object, (photographers, underwater surveyors, free divers) will choose a dark skirt to avoid the distracting glare from external light.
Overall, a well-fitting mask becomes a natural extension of your face. And whether you desire small or large volume, more peripheral vision, or more or less light, SCUBAPRO has a mask that will precisely "fit" your needs. Your SCUBAPRO mask is your window to the undersea world.


The statement "those who tend to focus on a single object, etc." supports OE2X and Jonnythan's arguments.

More importantly, the last paragraph says it all ... SCUBAPRO has a mask that will precisely "fit" your needs. It's an ad ... not a unbiased study either. Googling the topic as you said yields infinite results but not much scientific research. Here are some interesting sites:

The latter is a PDF file. It comes down to personal preference. If your claustrophobic, go with a clear skirt. If can't stand the distraction, go with black.

Next question ... frame or frameless?
Mountaineering sunglasses are darkened with sideshields because at altitude with less atmosphere, the suns rays have a higher intensity. this, coupled with the fact that everything is covered in light-reflecting ice crystals makes darkening lenses with high uv protection necessesary. without them, you would become "snowblind". Deep lenses are a safety device as far as high-alpine terrain goes.
I like my girlfriend in her Low Volume Black Skirt :)

I have always used a clear skirted mask, not for any particular reason other than it fitted me well when I tried it on. I have never had any problems with reflected light or anything else but maybe this is because I have only used a clear skirt.
I have, however bought a new black skirted mask. The only reason I went for black is that my clear one seems to have mould and algae growing on it from constantly being wet.
So I will try my new Black Skirt Mask tomorrow and I eagerly await “great” new vision, to see if what you all have been saying here is true. :)
I like my girlfriend in her Low Volume Black Skirt

See I just thought guys really dug the black! ;)

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