Class at Alexander Springs this Saturday

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Okay, dudes and dudettes... This Saturday 4-19-2003 will find me at Alexander Springs for the initial OW dives for an OW class. Come and join us if you like! I think the entrance fee is $7.50 and it is a pretty (but shallow) spring. I will only have one Scuba Duck with me as a safety diver as this is a church group that I am teaching.

If you are working on your AOW, then Fish ID and a spring dive are available to be done.
'Bout what time will you be there?....and...

Around how long do you think the drive is from...say....Bithlo Tech? :D
around 1:00... earlier if needed! Just let me know. It's about an hour from Altamonte Springs (434 & 436). It would be a great time for any and all Scubaboarders to meet.

BTW, I haven't heard it refered to as "Bithlo Tech" since it was called FTU back in the 70s. :tease:
I like the idea of Alexander this Sat. I need a place to practice w/my new hose setup and practice trim and all that. Think there's any areas to do that without stirrin' up a mess in the spring?

Still not 100% sure on it though, but $7.50 definately beats the near $30 for Devil's Den or Ginnie Springs, and high flow at Blue Springs, plus only 1hr. away! I guess it depends on how much project work I get done the next couple of days. I'll update you ASAP.
my HP120 with H valve and my long hose/bungeed second rig. If you want, I can bring my BP & wings... but that is overkill for Alexander. :tease:
Alright, looks like a tentative go for Dr. Jay (Jason) and FallenMatt (Matt) for Alexander Springs this Sat. the 19th.

We'll be testin' out our long hoses and going over some trimming issues. Look forward to meeting the famous NetDoc and one of his Scuba Ducks ;).

We'll try to be there between 12 and 1 p.m. If you want to bring your BWOD, that would be fine. I've yet to see a set in action :D.
I wish I could go with you guys, but I've already got plans to do some climbing stuff on Saturday.

Jason and Matt,

Let me know how ALexander is, I haven't been there yet.
@1:00 pm... wanna get there any earlier??? Wendy has a climbing party later on, so maybe she could spend more time with us this way... :tease:
NetDoc once bubbled...
(Class starts) @1:00 pm... wanna get there any earlier???
We'll be leaving here (east Orlando) about 10:30. I figure it'll take maybe around 2 hrs. I'm going to jump on mapquest tonight and try to get directions.

Got any travel hints?
at Alexander Springs @ 12:00 today. I only wish that I had more time to spend with them as I had a class meet me there at 1:00. They seemed like a great bunch of divers and Wendy seemed to have really good form. Unfortunately, I only got to be in the water with them @ 10 minutes before I went and got my class organised. Wendy was going to do some S-Drills with them, and I wonder how those came out. BTW, my current class still has some work to do on buoyancy & trim before they will get any c-cards. Glad I wore my Dee-Rag... as it kept the fish poo all the students kicked up out of my hair. AND... my students weren't that bad compared to some of the already certified divers and the first class that was down there (not mine). In fact, they looked "OK" in comparison, but not as good as I know they can be or need to be. I think we will hit a deep pool before their final dives.

And Wendy, one of my students found a shark's tooth in one of the boils.
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