Chipola Divers/Dive-aholic now offers Technical & Cave Diving training

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
North Florida - Marianna area
Just wanted to let everyone know that after several months of working on this, I have finally earned my technical and cave diving instructor ratings. I recently completed an IANTD crossover program and am now an instructor for all IANTD courses from Open Water through Advanced Rec Trimix, Decompression Specialist, Cavern, Intro Cave, and Wreck. But it doesn't stop there. I will be going through the NSS-CDS instructor institute (hopefully soon) and getting a CDS instructor rating as well. I also have plans to crossover to TDI over the next few months. Why all the agencies? Mainly for the flexibility that it will offer me and my students. I've never been someone who is partial to any particular agency and am still not. I like different aspects of the different agencies and believe that teaching for several agencies will allow me to offer the best courses possible.
Great to know Rob... one of these days (most likely next year) I'll continue on my path to cave diving with you. I do want to continue on the NSS-CDS path.
Great news Rob! Thanks for the update!
Happy New Year and Congratulations Rob. Oh, and are you and Jen still keeping your PADI certs?
Congratulations, Rob! I can only imagine the amount of work that goes into getting a cave INSTRUCTOR cert. Who did you do your instructor course with?
Thanks all!

Peter, yes, we're keeping our PADI certs. Jen has been busy with school and didn't do the crossover. I'll cert her as an IANTD DM this summer when she's done and she'll likely start her cave instructor path at that time.

Lynne, I interned with a few different instructors - Paul Heinerth, Dan Patterson, and Jim Wyatt. The CDS requires a 3 instructor internship plus an instructor institute with 2 other instructors before they issue a card (5 instructors total). I'm just waiting for the instructor institute to complete that cert. IANTD requires a 2 instructor internship in addition to an ITC. I believe there is only one agency that allows a cave instructor cert be issued with the approval of just one IT. And yes, it took me 4 months, 15 full days, plus the self-study and take home assignments. I'm glad this part is done...but it's only just begun. I have a lot more to do before I get to where I want to be.

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