Chinese food: An expose'

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In all fairness to all peoples everywhere (especially YellowSnowEater), I would like to admit to consuming the following "exotics"

Gator (ain't nuthin' greater)
Armadillo (on the half shell)
Possum (Road Kill Stew)
Thompson's Squirrel
Water Moccasin (It was me or him, and I won)
Gecko eggs (raw)
Cooter (eat mo')
Mud Puppies (hard to catch, but good in a stew)
Coon (never again, I promise)
Yak (Yuk)
American Buffalo
Frog Legs (sorry Kermit)
Venison (dear me)

and possibly more, but my brain hurts to think how much I have consumed. Anyone got a Rolaids?
Quite frequently eat jelly fish (revenge) when in China and during my last trip I had deep fried Scorpions, two to be exact. They were actually pretty tasty, tale and all.
......Do you need recipes as well :D

Please. This is, after all, "The Scuba Chef Corner". It would be wrong to post about cooking cat without sharing the recipe!!!

Here's where I'm coming from... My wife's cat has developed some behavior problems. She (the cat) won't use her litter box any more. She has no problem using potted pepper plants, however... the few that were fortunate enough to survive the harsh winter we have up here... and digging up half their root system in the process of using them for a toilet... and kicking the soiled soil all over the dining room. As far as I'm concerned right now, we should all be eating cat and wearing cat. And using the unusable parts of cats for target practice or concrete aggregate or fertilizer or something. If the Chinese do in fact eat cats, it is us who should be made fun of and sung funny songs about for not doing so. I hope they really are selling cat meat to us disguised as sweet and sour chicken. I hope Oscar-Meyer is selling cat meat to us disguised as a hotdog or a slice of bologna. Anything to reduce the world cat population is a good thing.
you all are evil, evil!! i tell you, evil!!!
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