altitude sensor and depth sensor are the same thing, a pressure sensor. If his depth readings were correct, I don't see how this could happen.2 different Oceanic Pro Plus 3 unwarranted violations within 12 hours
5 divers, 2 Shearwater Perdix computers, A Pro Plus X, and 2 Pro Plus 3's. All diving identical profiles and Nitrox blends. All well within reg profiles, absolutely nothing froggy. My wife's Pro Plus 3 began flashing UP about 20 minutes into the third dive of the second day, max dept of 50...scubaboard.com
Something (altitude sensor?) fails and the computer goes into its max conservative mode which assumes the dive is at altitude, you are using air for depth (even if you specify nitrox) and you are using 40% O2 for CNS toxicity.
I'm a software dev myself, I understand this as it applies to source code, but to a dive computer? Perhaps I lack imagination