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I missed the comment on cynicism until I saw it in ppilot's post.

So, like the famous words of Rosanne Rosanadana," Oh...never mind."
I don't stand to lose or gain from tort reform, because I decided, a long time ago, to never do anything that will result in a penny being put in a lawyers pocket.

I don't sue people, and I don't get sued. If I trip over a curb and sprain my ankle, it's my fault I was clumsy, not the property owners', because, 'the curb wasn't clearly marked.'

I think people who do stupid things should be responsible for them, and not look for someone to blame.

I actually agree with you, Zag, the problem is, the law-makers, (lawyers), do not.
DA Aquamaster once bubbled...
In my opinon, getting any kind of OW or AOW certification, just like a private pilot licence, is only a licence to learn. It does not matter whether the certifying agency is private or governement, if the person who received the cert does not understand their limitations and have a firm knowledge that there is a lot they don't know, they run a very real risk of being an accident statistic. It is not the certification that matters but rather where you go from there, how you dive and what you learn after you get the card that counts.

Well said, that's the point I was trying to make; you put it much better than I did. I've also flown with pt. 141 pilots, seen things like CFII's with zero actual instrument time. This scares me mightily.

PhotoTJ once bubbled...
I don't stand to lose or gain from tort reform, because I decided, a long time ago, to never do anything that will result in a penny being put in a lawyers pocket.

I don't sue people, and I don't get sued. If I trip over a curb and sprain my ankle, it's my fault I was clumsy, not the property owners', because, 'the curb wasn't clearly marked.'

I think people who do stupid things should be responsible for them, and not look for someone to blame.

I actually agree with you, Zag, the problem is, the law-makers, (lawyers), do not.

PhotoTJ, I'm not saying you have something to lose or gain from tort reform, I'm saying that major corporations do. The push against is directed by them towards the public (and government.)

I'm not sure it's wise to say 'I don't sue people, and I don't get sued.' I certainly wouldn't sue because I did something stupid, but I would and have if I need to protect myself. I've also been sued, it can happen to anyone.

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