Chamber Day

Weve got a bit more than two weeks to go and weve got a ways to go. Weve certainly hit some bumps in the road.
The first is that the Aquatica has dropped out of the event due to the loss of their COI (Certificate of Inspection). Although Manny offered to run for us as a 6-pack, we couldnt find a mutually agreeable way to do that. We wish them the best of luck and appreciate their support in the past.
But it also means we just lost 25 boat spots that, when you add in the projected raffle ticket sales, means were down about $3000.
On top of that, things slowed down a bit with Challenge donations. Some of this may have been due to the fact that I was in Costa Rica (Cocos Island) the last two weeks and not making phone calls and twisting arms. But Im back now and feel a little arm-twisting coming on.
Were also a bit slower on our book sales than I thought wed be. This book is going to be really cool (IMHO). Its called Through the Lens: A Chronicle of Chamber Day 2007 and the best part is that it will truly be a community event since ALL the photos contained inside will come from May 2 and hopefully be submitted by many of you. Weve got the full details on the website but the bottom line is that we expect to produce an 80-100 page full-color high-gloss book that will truly be a memorable keepsake from the event. Theyre only $65 now ($75 after May 2) and remember that the money goes to help fund our Chamber.
Were actually doing pretty good on both daytime boat sign-ups and evening dinner reservations. But were still not sold out yet and thats where wed like to be for both. So weve got a bit of work to do.
If youre participated in the past but havent signed up yet, dont wait too long. If youre a previous contributor to the Chamber Challenge, how about making a donation again? Dont lose sight of the fact that our Chamber relies on your generosity to help stay financially stable. Sure, theres an LA County grant, but it doesnt cover everyone. Chamber Day is vital to keep our Chamber running smoothly. And your generous participation makes all that happen.
So get involved!!! Sign up by calling us at 652-4990 or do it through our secure website. But dont wait any longer. Heres where we are right now.
BOATS (sponsor) [246 total spots available, 83% sold]
Bottom Scratcher (Open & Dive N Surf) - About 10 available
Cee Ray (Reef Seekers & Douglas Dive Club) - Only 1 more available
Flying Dutchman (Open) - 40 signed up so far and plenty more to go
Great Escape (Open) - SOLD OUT
Island Time (Sport Chalet) - 15 available
Magician (Sport Chalet) - SOLD OUT
Mr. C (CA Wreck Divers) - 4 available
Pacific Star (Scuba Schools of America) - 10 available
Psalty V (Scuba Schools of America) - SOLD OUT
Sea Bass (SoCal Tec Divers) - SOLD OUT
Second Stage (Scuba Schools of America) - SOLD OUT
Sundiver (Ocean Adventures) - 2 spots available
Sundiver II (Ken Kurtis) - SOLD OUT
For a sponsored boat is to call the sponsor directly. Open boats can be booked on-line or by calling 310/652-4990.
CHAMBER EVENING (table sponsor & total seats) [480 seats available, 91% sold]
Again this year, its filling fast. DO NOT wait too long to book yourself in. Sign up directly with your group, or on-line, or by calling 310/652-4990. Heres where we are:
Open table (10) - 1 seat available
Deep Sea Supply (10) - SOLD OUT
South Coast Divers (10) - SOLD OUT
Reef Seekers (20) - 3 seats available
RA Buck & Barnacle Busters (20) - 2 seats available
Aqua Adventures (10) - SOLD OUT
Havens Reef (20) - 6 seats available
SoCal Tec Divers (20) - SOLD OUT
Scuba Schools of America (30) - SOLD OUT
Hollywoodivers (10) - 5 seats available
Old Broads Dive Club (10) - SOLD OUT
Tom Wetzel & LA County (10) - 5 seats available (10) - 8 seats available
Ocean Institute (20) - SOLD OUT
Laguna Sea Sports (30) - SOLD OUT
Eco Diver Center (50) - SOLD OUT
DDD Club (10) - SOLD OUT
Ocean Adventures (20) - 3 seats available
Sport Chalet (30) - SOLD OUT
Burbank Dive Club (10) - 3 seats available
Sole Searchers (10) - SOLD OUT
Sunken Treasures (10) - 5 seats available
David Walker Family (10) - SOLD OUT (10) - SOLD OUT
Dive Vets & Valley Scuba (10) - SOLD OUT
Pacific Wilderness (10) - SOLD OUT
Bluewater Divers (10) - 4 seats left
We also do this as a separate update but right now (4/16 @ 10AM) were at $14,120. Not bad but weve got a ways to go. So . . . Whos next???
So thats where we are. This event represents the largest single source of outside income for our Chamber as well as one time in the year when the entire scuba community gets together to work for the greater good. We appreciate your support in the past and hope to have many of you with us again this year.
So thats it. We hope to get you involved in Chamber day this year. Its a lot of fun and its all for a good cause.
Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2007