Central Texas Swampers?

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New Braunfels, Texas
Just curious if anyone in the Central Texas area is planning on local diving.

I tend to get a bit jealous of the Twin lakes conversations and wonder if any of the Central Texas locals plan on diving the local lakes... Travis, Canyon, etc.

Has anyone tried to get together 1 set day of the week or what not like the Southern Swampers tend to do?

I am new to diving , And haven't been lucky enough to have established a set buddy for all my dives like most people.... and the only way to improve my buoyancy and other skill is through practice... and solo diving doesn't appeal to me, so this is why I ask.
I'm going to be in College Station during June and July, have been thinking about drift diving the river in San Marcos. Maybe we can hit it some weekend.

From the roster it looks like there are about 30 TSDT members in your area. Shouldn't be a problem to get something set up.
Jacob....we have about 30 Swampers in your general area.
-=Larry=- is always more than happy to meet folks and dive. There's never been anyone to step up and take on the job or trying to organize everyone in the central area. If you'd like the task, go for it! I've found that all it takes is just someone to pull it together....when, where, what time.

You might start with an evening at one of the restaurants so everyone can meet and get to know each other. See which lake location and time of day/week is best for everyone to dive. And be patient, lots of times last year it was just Beast and I at Twin Lakes.

Don't forget the Possum Kingdom get together on May31/June1. You'll meet alot of the Swampers there. We try to all get together a couple times a year.
I'll be happy to meet & dive sometime - in fact, at least two of the more or less regular folks here are also local to San MArcos.

Anyway - the part Dee's got pegged is that I try to meet most anybody looking for a dive and do at least one with them!

I'll be pretty literally flashing through San MArcos and catching a quick dive at Aquarena tomorrow, then DMing a class over the weekend - but after that, Lets see waht we can get together. Perhaps I can even contact the SM locals and we can do a drift down the river!

Give me PM if you're available for a quick handshake at Aquarena noonish tomorrow, otherwise, lets chat!
I went with some friends this past weekend to dive the Comal river, just above where the Tube chut is and it was blocked off to traffic. From what we could find out, they close it off during the day on the weekends to keep Schlitterbahn traffic out. Then they re-open at 8pm. We weren't sure of the drop off/pick up points of the river, so we swam a little bit to cool off and headed back home. If any of you know the exact spot(s) that are good for dropping off and getting out, let me know.

I'm not sure if this is where you or anyone else is planning on diving over the weekend, but I thought I'd let everyone know.
Any Central Swampsters diving anywhere near the Austin area on Memorial weekend? I'll be up there with my girlfriend and she wants to get a bit of diving in this weekend. Right now I'm not sure if I'll be up there on Saturday or not (I wish that NOAA would pick an offshore forecast and stick with it,) but I will definately be there Sunday.
with Wrongkey and possibly the SO.

With the anticipated huge crowds, we'll probably be getting in 'early' (before 10, I hope).

Last weekend was a complete zoo...by noon, parking was limited to a few spaces up by the ranger shack. I imagine this weekend will be worse...

Getting down to the water with doubles and a stage bottle required some broken field running techniques...
After last years Memorial Weekend at Mansfield Dam, we swore to never set foot around Lake Travis on a holiday again!!! We made the mistake of leaving to get air fills at a dive shop about 2 miles away. It took us almost 2 hours drive/park to get back to our campsite!
I'm in Central TX too. I'm not sure about a set day/time, but I'm up for diving with new people. I'm fairly new to the sport also.

There is at least one LDS (Pisces) that goes out and does dives on Wednesday night and they will hook you up with a buddy. It's a good way to dive with new people and maybe find a regular buddy(ies) with common interests.
I am not sure how to do this but after the PK Trip I hope to have met a few people in the area.
Maybe we can set up a time/date for everyone to meet and chat over dinner or maybe I will start posting things like I will be at this lake at this time and hope i don't sit by the shore alone. But I sure want to dive this area during the summer. After PK expect posts from me... in regards to this topic.

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