The network speed in your picture reflects that of whichever WIFI network you were connected to at that time. It's NOT speed of your Telco cell.
It does not. That just shows that WiFi was on when that screenshot was taken. You do realize one can turn WiFi off or on while the same image appears on a phone's screen, right?. It's most definitely not the speed of my DSL. Here's the original screenshot including the bank ad that I didn't especially want to post (taken before I'd turned WiFi on so I could post on ScubaBoard without burning up my Telcel internet credit):
I got the report without the ad by re-loading the result from my results log, shown here (with WiFi on!):
Note that the previously-posted results are clearly marked as "LTE", as are fairly similar numbers from a few days previously. Also note the WiFi speeds on 08 January 2018 a few minutes before an LTE test. Results prior to 08 January 2018 and after 14 May 2017 are T-Mobile in New Hampshire, USA or ComCast, USA. The others are Telmex in Cozumel (WiFi) and T-Mobile in Cozumel (LTE).
So what makes it so difficult to believe that a huge telecom company can't provide the speeds that I posted just because it's in Mexico? Is there something about those numbers that's inconsistent with 4G LTE?