So after some digging and some calls to my CCs I wanted to post what I believe are the facts now. I'm going to quote CVchief because his statements address the issues the most succiently and for no other reason
Not because you like me best? Really?

1) If you hit a mexican and/or injure them you go to jail and pay them cash, this seems not to be true according to the definitions of the mandatory PLI included with all rental car rentals in Mexico
2) If you damage or destroy you own rental car in a accident you go to jail until you can pay cash for the damages or the entire value of the car which might include loss of use to the rental agency, this seems not to be true according to AE and VISA.
Thanks in advance, just trying to sort this all out once and for all.
In the 1st case you are probably fine with the rental insurance.
In the second, I am not as sure. And you will note from the one story I quoted, the reimbursement from the CC didn't match what they paid the rental agency but it was close. So even if you did get reimbursed there is a question about if it will match or not. This assumes they find a credit card payment acceptable. Your CC says they *should*. I would maybe ask the rental company: 1. How much is the car worth, should I total it, and; 2. would you accept charging those thousands of dollars on my CC? It isn't the CC company that is going to make you happy if you are in trouble; it will be you trying to make the owner of the rental car happy.
Maybe be it will be all fine. Or maybe you end up waiting for the CC company to wire you an advance? You ain't in Kansas anymore Toto.
I finally remember the other story I heard from Cozumel. Sometime the GOOD insurance isn't enough:
Istoria Ministries Blog: Saved from Hell in a Jail Cell at Cozumel