Bill, I'd agree that the title is just a bit on the lurid side...
However, I, too, have the list of giants in the diving world that have succumbed while diving a RB in the last couple of years. Folks that I wouldn't have expected to have an issue. Yet, the incidents are there.
I for one will continue to dive strictly OC, because I like knowing my gas composition won't change unexpectedly.
I'm willing to accecpt the mission limitations that OC places me under. It's just in my mind the failure scenarios are less numerous, and less grave, on OC than with a RB. This isn't a WAG uninformed opinion, I do use a RB at work, and put dozen underwater hours on a RB quite a while ago.
May divers I know and respect dive RB's all the time, as is their right, and I support them in that decision. It's just not for me.
All the best, James