Cayman - Picture of the Day

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We swam out (snorkel) beyond the reef breakers once. It was tough trying to float over it, very shallow. Once on the other side it was much deeper (maybe 50' I'm guessing) with fingers heading out to sea. We wanted to shore dive it but decided it would be impossible to cross the reef with scuba gear on.
We swam out (snorkel) beyond the reef breakers once. It was tough trying to float over it, very shallow. Once on the other side it was much deeper (maybe 50' I'm guessing) with fingers heading out to sea. We wanted to shore dive it but decided it would be impossible to cross the reef with scuba gear on.

I've always wondered if it was doable and what the other side looked like!

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Snorkeled here for quite sometime, octopus, gray angels, barracuda, scorpion fish, grunts, several different groupers, a turtle,plenty of the reef usual's.
Boat ramp on the north side of the Brac:

Pretty little gems, Radar Reef
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Here is a nice dive, Burt's Boulder's buoy is just west and you can swim east to some nice diving that's not on the map. I'll call it Dan's dive just because no one ever wants to go with me. On exit, it can be an urchin nightmare if the waves hit just right. Cheers

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