I have laughed through much of the commentary and presumptions you have made throughout this whole thread and what I perceive as value and what you ultimately perceive as value. Many people think the dive shop is out to rob the people of their money and then yet we see a great comment from you that I don't take advantage of the free spot as being a poor business practice. I see it as not taking something that isn't mine to begin with. From the start of this thread to now, finally, it has come to an end I have realized that I may never take another week long liveaboard vacation if this was supposed to be close to the top rung of the ladder. I value my diving dollars and my time a lot more than that these days.
I'll probably end up on the Nekton after all, though it bugs me that they're $50 more (after including nitrox) and don't even include beer and wine. But my first priority would be to get to Little Cayman and Cayman Brac and the CA just doesn't seem like a reliable way to get there. Plus they seem a bit too antsy about wet clothes inside the boat, from other comments I've read, and truthfully your comments don't help them, even though most of them I simply dismiss as whining.
At least on the Nekton, I'd expect things to be broken down and the service to be less classy. But you should have received a better experience on an Aggressor, IMO. On the T&C Aggressor, we had fresh baked bread every night, along with plenty of fresh baked desserts and snacks, but the cook obviously had a baking fetish. The food was very good and varied on that trip, plus nothing broke down, and the crew was superb. Unfortunately I definitely prefer the diving on the North Wall of Grand Cayman and I've heard the sister islands are even better. Too bad they can't switch boats.
Like I said before, week-long trips probably aren't for you. It's a long time to be cooped up in small quarters, so small problems can end up greatly magnified by the end of the trip. I've done three liveaboards now that were 10-11 days, and those can be a true test of a passenger's ability to adapt and compromise, but they can be incredible enjoyable adventures nonetheless. I know liveaboards
are for me, so I'll appreciate people like you staying on land and leaving more spots available for my choosing.
On one of those longer boat trips, a 10-day Burma Banks trip, we suffered the dual indignities of a tsunami and running out of ice; on our 11-day Komodo trip, we had endless banging as the large crew worked tirelessly to hammer every little bit of rust off a 150' x 30' metal boat; and on the 10-day Cocos trip, we had really weak and moldy a/c the entire trip, plus the inability to flush t.p. down the head, and a few other negative complaints that probably were the equal of any of yours, except that we were there to dive and enjoy ourselves and so we did.
I'm curious about your comment that you don't think the free trip is yours, so why take it. The free trip is only offered for groups as an incentive for group leaders to organize said groups. Therefore, it is yours. Or it's as least yours as is the markup that you charge on the gear that you sell is yours. Or do you not markup dive gear? And what about airfills? How can you charge for something that's free, i.e. air? Are you claiming that the air is yours?