The 85 minutes is a minimum standard. Most cavern classes end up with a lot more in cavern time.
Show us the minimum standard for this PSAI class.
Right, I wasn't suggesting that CDS standards were more lax, just reflecting on the amount of bottom time, in OH, that we went through. As for the minimum, the PSAI manual states that, at the cavern level, "Due to the various sites, specific recommendations for bottom time are at the discretion of the instructor." At each subsequent level there is a minimum in the text (PSAI Cave manual).
Report that PADI instructor. If what you say is true, then your course was a gross violation of standards.
Here are the relevant standards for the course as a whole:
No specific times are mentioned for the dives, but it would be assumed that the standard rules for minimum times for all PADI training dives would apply. Those minimum times are irrelevant, though, because the skill requirements for each of the three dives done in the overhead requirement would take much more than that. The recommended time for the course in the paragraph above would indicate a minimum amount of time in the overhead as being well above the 85 minute NSS-CDS minimum. I suspect anyone teaching the NSS-CDS course will go well beyond that minimum as well.
Well, following the criterion in the PSAI manual, maybe it isn't strange that the PADI class spent so little time in the cavern. We were in Vortex springs, and there sure isn't far to go before cavern turns to cave. And, since there is no specific time requirement that I can find for bottom time in the PADI class I'm not sure there is
technically an issue. Regarding drills, there is a rule in the standards that says no OOA drills can be conducted in the OH environment in PADI cavern. So, all we did was run a line in, look around, run it out, switch. Of greater concern, and a source of disappointment at the time (though mitigated somewhat by how lame the Vortex springs cavern is), I believe I had only 2 dives in the cavern. Another 3 dives in OW running line and practicing OOA drills w/without a blindfold. As there appears to be no rule about how many dives must happen IN the OH, I guess my 5 dive PADI class (4 dives min req) was above standards!

---------- Post added March 22nd, 2015 at 03:12 PM ----------
I agree there are are couple of bad apples in the NACD & NSS-CDS instructor corps. Going through the list in my mind and on the respective instructor lists I only count about five.
I believe that overall there are more than I can count from the ranks of the others.
where's a mind reader, point him at Jim Wyatt now!
On a more serious note, 5 bad apples training 10 students a year (conservatively) means 50 more poorly trained cave divers every year...