I think a lot of ccr divers never experienced a real problem. But you have to be aware a problem can happen. That is why a ccr can be more complex than oc. It is not only the spg, it is with ccr the spg's, the PO2, the distance swam in a cave (means bailout), risk of CO2 problems, etc.
A cookie is a cookie, a jump is a jump, oc or ccr. The biggest risk while being on ccr is that you forgot the distance you can swim out on your bo.
If you want to compare Mexico vs Florida vs Europe with accidents on ccr vs oc, you also have to compare complexity, flow, depth, etc.
With a ccr you buy time. As long as the unit works. This will help when you lost your direction. But you still get deco if the depth is deep enough, and if you have to deal with a high flow, a ccr gives you a higher CO2 risk than oc.
Another point is the age of the diver, so can an accident be a medical one or not? The higher the age, the bigger the risk of a medical problem. And maybe, I don't know, statistics show differences between mCCR and eCCR, but I have never seen this, so I don't know. I dive oc bm, oc sm, ssm ccr, bm ccr and can use my bm ccr as main ccr and the sm ccr as bo ccr if I want. The sm ccr is a mCCR and the bm ccr is an eCCR. I still do all.
The biggest disadvantage of a ccr over oc is if you dive with oc friends. After a dive they all can have a beer, and you have to clean your ccr, refill scrubber, etc.