tbone:@kensuf in your example, do you think that having say cavern/intro done on OC with some experience in between, then going to CCR Full cave with TDI for their 4 day course would be sufficient?
FWIW, I had a student that was in this exact situation earlier this year. Here's what I found out when reading through the various standards.
Although IANTD and TDI have modular CCR levels (i.e. "CCR Intro to cave"), they won't allow a person with OC Intro to Cave to go straight into CCR Full Cave; the pre-reqs for their respective CCR Full Cave divers are either "CCR Intro to Cave" or "OC Full Cave" (for the crossover).
However, a person could do a CCR Intro to Cave crossover/upgrade then complete CCR Full Cave through both of those agencies. That's about a 6 day program.
And the NSS-CDS doesn't have a modular CCR cave program. It's either the zero to hero program, or a CCR Cave Upgrade for a full cave diver.
In the end, we wound up spending 7 days together before he was finished.
If you figure 4 days to finish OC full cave then 2-4 days to do a CCR Cave Crossover, that's 6 to 8 days for the last step plus 4 days for Cavern/Intro (10-12 days).
If you figure 2 days to crossover to CCR Intro then 4 days to do CCR Full cave then that's at least 6 days, maybe more, once again that puts you in the 10-12 day range.
So the shortest path for someone that wants to be a CCR cave diver and has zero overhead experience is technically the CCR cave course (~7-8 days). However, just because it's the shortest path, I don't think it's the best path. If I had my druthers, do full cave on OC first THEN do CCR cave crossover. The gas and distance planning that should be part of any full cave course will translate directly to CCR cave.