Carrying regulator on plane post 9-11

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Reaction score
northern New Mexico
# of dives
500 - 999
I need to know what your personal experience has been carrying your regulator on board after 9-11. I KNOW I can check it in my luggage. But if the airlines lose it, it's $900+. ALso, it is one of the heaviest items in my dive gear bag. The last time my daughter flew a little overweight on a piece of luggage they charged her a fortune extra. On the other hand...I don't want to be jailed as a potential terrorist. Do airport people know what a regulator is? Will they let me carry it onboard?? I SURELY don't want to get halfway through the airport and have them confiscate it. What has been your experience since 9-11??
Hi Cougar,
I've done 4 trips since 9/11, (10 flights in all, all before the TSA people were in place, I think) and have taken, in my carry-on bag my reg, computer, camera stuff. So far, no problem. I did get asked by one "screener(?)" "is this dive gear?": I said yes, and that was that-no problem. I have heard of people having to open up the carry-on and show the security person what everything is - battery packs for cameras, dive computer, etc. But, to my knowledge, nobody has had a regulator, camera, etc. confiscated. (Of course, knives, dive tools, spear guns, etc. are a "no-no" for carry ons).
If you try a "search" of the board, I'm sure you'll find other (similar I hope) replies.

Good luck, and enjoy your trip,
with my underwater housing. The inspectors took two swabs of the inside of the housing and said there was residue of a substance related to bomb making. Not sure what it was, but they eventually let me through.

Regs and computer were no problem.

Dr. Bill
Having a regulator in a carry on is no problem. The TSA folks might man-handle it, but they will let it through.

I've been astonished at some of the OTHER things that have set them off, like plastic, blunt tip scissors, a halogen lightbulb in a dive light that had no batteries in it, power bars and unopened cans of sardines.
I have travelled several times with my regs, both as carry-on and as checked luggage. No issues whatsoever. Tell the luggage x-ray folks what is in the bag as they are peering at the screen ( if they look confused).

Anyway, if you are travelling to one of many popular dive destinations, there are plenty of other folks carrying their regs too. Make sure you take off any attached knives , snips...etc. if you rig them in your hose. That will get their attention!

I carry on my computer as well.

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