I answered all those questions myself before ordering my tank.
I tried to understand WHY topic started looking for bigger tank than standard AL80.
Between C100 and LP108, probably you are right and LP108 is better, I just never studied LP tanks.
Regarding 3800 psi to 2640 tank, what I can say... I know that a lot of people do it and I never hear about exploding tank because of it.
I also know that tank is tested under much more pressure tank 2640 psi.
But personally I will use only HP for 3000 - 3300 psi and never over manufactory recommendation.
Regarding flat bottom, the solution exists, but unfortunately doesn't have DOT, so is not imported to USA.
I answered all those questions myself before ordering my tank.
I tried to understand WHY topic started looking for bigger tank than standard AL80.
Between C100 and LP108, probably you are right and LP108 is better, I just never studied LP tanks.
Regarding 3800 psi to 2640 tank, what I can say... I know that a lot of people do it and I never hear about exploding tank because of it.
I also know that tank is tested under much more pressure tank 2640 psi.
But personally I will use only HP for 3000 - 3300 psi and never over manufactory recommendation.
Regarding flat bottom, the solution exists, but unfortunately doesn't have DOT, so is not imported to USA.