Can't decide between 2ml or 4ml compressed neoprene drysuit - Please help!

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New Jersey and Bermuda
I am in the process of ordering a Northern Divers custom drysuit, and have to make a choice between the 2ml and 4ml compressed neoprene thicknesses. I plan to use the suit for wreck diving off the Jersey coast. My questions include warmth, flexibility,and durability. Specifically, will I be warm enough in the 2ml with the right undergarments, and are the 2ml compressed neoprene suits durable enough for wreck diving?
I'm not familiar with that particular suit, but I use an Abyss Pro Kevlar TX suit that is 2mm compressed neoprene with a Kevlar shell. It is very durable and flexible enough (it's a custom fit). I've put mine through a lot of wrecks, and I'm not gentle on it. I haven't poked a hole in it yet, but I think that's the kevlar doing the work. Now, my buddy has a 4mm collapsed neoprne Abyss Pro Kevlar suit, and not only is it less flexible (obviously), but also more buoyant. Of course, it'll be a more durable too, but mine has proven to be exceptionally durable to wrecks.

I don't know what to tell you if your suit doesn't have Kevlar, but the flexibility of 2mm collapsed neoprene is fine.

Good luck.

Hi tbg:

I hope i can help you out because i'm in the same boat as you. I'm also a looking for either 2 or 4 mm compressed neoprene drysuit,except this one is made by Diving Concepts. I two was not sure which mil to go with,so i e-mailed Diving Concepts and this is what they said.
For mobility go with a 2mm for the fact that this would be a more trimmer fitting suit and with a drysuit you have the option of what type of insulation you want to wear so the insulation difference between the 2mm and a 4mm becomes minimized.
As for durability of the compressed neoprene they commented that they use a laminated w/ a heavy-duty nylon exterior.
I know that Diving Concepts use the Rubatex G-231 which is a better grade of rubber.
With the 4 mm you sure would have to use extra weight in which i try to stay away from.
Diving Concepts also mentioned that they have a hell of alot of these suits out their with hundreds of trouble free dives.
I hope to get around to order mine in the near future.
I seen the website for Northern Diver and it seems like their suits are in the same line as Diving Concepts. Very good....
Let me know how you like yours when you get use to it.
Hope this would help you out somewhat... Safe Diving...:)
Thanks for the advice Garfish. Hey, I'm just curious, how much are you planning on paying for the Diving Concepts suit? My LDS pushes that brand alot, but for myself, the price was way out of my reach for a custom made to measure suit.
Hi again tbg:

Diving Concepts series 2mm neoprene Pinnacle drysuits are no doubt,"big bucks".. From seeing their price list ,the custom suit goes for about $1,800. This for either back or front entry suit with latex seals. Additional options like a relief zipper is another $ 230. clams.
I went to one authorized dive shop around Pittsburgh and the only thing they would do for me to save a little money was to through in the Dive suit course about $140.00 plus material.
Not much of a deal i think.
I finally approached my local dive shop and showed him the figures and he said he would see if he could do anything for me. He made a few calls to the company and as of now i'm still waiting for a reply. If he can give me a better deal than the other dive shop, he can save me some bucks, plus also be a local rep for diving concepts. The only other things is that i i'm wondering about is whether the company will work with him. Oh well, My research that i have done is that it is a great drysuit.

As for the Northern Divers 2mm drysuit, i wish i would be able to get my hands on one. Since being a British company and by looking at their website they are in the process of doing bussiness in N.America. What did you pay for your's and did you have any trouble ordering it?
Well anyway take care and again Safe Diving.

I'm still in the process of ordering it. I just sent the final specs to the dealer, Bob3 from Scubaboard. Email him for more details but I expect to pay $975 US plus shipping. That is for a custom cut CNX (2.5ml) with 2 pockets, rear entry, Kevlar knee pads, separate hood. Also ordering a 200 wt undergarment from them for around $150. I emailed someone who just got a Northern Diver 4ml and he has been extremely pleased with the quality. Best of luck with Diving Concepts. Many people I dive with have them and are quite happy. I just need to save a little money for some other "necessities" like a new surround sound system for my living room!

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