Can women do double tanks?

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How hard is it to do double tanks? I am a female and I would like to do double tanks, but everyone laughs at me and figures i can't do it because I am a woman.
How heavy approx. are the tanks? And be honest, do you think women are capable of doing it?
thank you

There are many women humping doubles around.

Up and down flights of stairs.

A set of LP 104's will weight in at over 100lbs.
I have to tell you, your post really got me. In my 10 years of diving (and diving mostly with guys) I have never been laughed at and told I couldn't do something because I was a woman. Of course, they might have been saying that to themselves.

Absolutely, women can use doubles. I have been using doubles for a couple of years. Women also carry deco bottles. Never let the guys tell you you can't do something because you are a woman. If they do, prove it in the water.

Enough of my soapbox.

Oh yeah, my tanks weigh about 90 lbs.

Some women might not have the physical strength to use some sets of doubles, but that also applies to some men.

A rule of thumb I use to determine if women can't do something - "Does it require a penis?" If the answer is no, the activity is open to women.

Doubles are in some ways easier to use than a single tank.
This was a teaser to see how many fine divers who also happen to be women that you can aggravate with such a chauvinistic question, huh?
Walter - Have I told you lately that I love you?!?

Happy Diving,

Scuba-sass :)
BilgeDog once bubbled...
How hard is it to do double tanks? I am a female and I would like to do double tanks, but everyone laughs at me and figures i can't do it because I am a woman.
How heavy approx. are the tanks? And be honest, do you think women are capable of doing it?
thank you
Well...... that sorta depends on what you're gonna do to 'em...
If you can carry a hundred pounds on your back you can carry doubles - gender is irrelevant. Even if you can't you can use the BBB (Big Burly Buddy) solution to tote 'em to the water. Once in the water it's 99% technique and only 1% brute strength.
Rick :)
One of my frequent buddies is a lady of about 5'7", 120 lbs (I'm guessing here) and slim build. She dives doubles, both 80s and 104s, with 2 deco bottles regularly. She has no more apparent trouble with them than any of the rest of us do.

Doubles are heavy out of the water, steel 104s are dog heavy, for any normal human. Once you get in the water it is, as Rick said, mostly technique.

If you want to dive doubles and you are of at least average strength, you can learn to do so. A lot of the out of water part is technique too (lift with your legs, not your back!).


You have never told me you love me, not even when you asked me to marry you.
doing things backwards again!

But enough about our little affair...

I was my father's only "son" - he loved his 2 daughters enormously, but did need some "muscle" in the family business and around the house. I was never told - that's too heavy for a girl. I was advised to get help when the task was too much for one person, and to lift properly. You've taken some ribbing here in this thread, but the point is - you can do almost anything you set your mind to!

Happy Diving,

Scuba-sass :)

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