Can anybody identify this object

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So it's an explosive??? device that you drop near divers to signal them?

Could someone please translate the text in the PDF linked to in post #10?
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Above the pictures:

Woensdag 15 juli 2009 heeft aan het Oostvoornse Meer, nabij paviljoen De Stormvogel, een ongeval plaatsgevonden. Een duiker heeft een niet gesprongen explosief aangetroffen en uit het water gehaald. De duiker heeft door het beroeren van het explosief waarschijnlijk blijvende letsel-schade aan zijn linkerhand opgelopen.

Wednesday 15 July 2009 an accident occurred near the restaurant "Stormvogel" on the Oostvoornse Lake. A diver found an undetonated explosive and removed it from the water. The diver set off the explosive by disturbing it and probably has permanent damage to his left hand

[under the picture]

Het is nog onduidelijk hoe dit explosief in het water is terechtgekomen en of er zich meer soortgelijke explosieven in het Oostvoornse Meer bevinden. De politie Rotterdam-Rijnmond doet hier onderzoek naar.
Duiken in het Oostvoornse Meer is op zich niet gevaarlijk. Het oppakken van onbekende voorwerpen, mogelijk explosieven, wel.
Gemeente, politie en waterschap adviseren daarom nadrukkelijk het volgende:
geen verdachte objecten uit het Oostvoornse Meer halen en beroeren,
niet actief op zoek gaan naar verdachte objecten,
indien verdachte objecten in het Oostvoornse Meer worden aangetroffen, de locatie markeren en dit melden aan het waterschapsloket, telefoon 0900 2005 005 (€ 0,10 per minuut, 24 uur per dag bereikbaar).
It is unclear how this explosive came to be in the water and if there are more similar explosives in the Oostvoornse lake. The Rotterdam/Rijnmond police is investigating it.
Diving in the Oosvoornse lake of itself is not dangerous. Collecting unknown objects, possible explosives, is.
Municiple police and "waterschap" authorities strongly advise the following:
- do not disturb unknown objects in the Oostvoornse lake
- do not search for "suspect" objects
- if you do find a suspect object, report the location to the authorities, telephone 0900-2005-005 (10 Eurocent per min, 24 hours per day)
Not bad for a Canadian :D
Translation of the PDF posted in #10

General warning for divers diving in The Oostvoornse Meer (that's the lake where it all happened)
Wednesday 15th of July 2009 at the Oostvoornse Meer, nearby restaurant paviljoen De Stormvogel, have been an accident. A diver had found a non exploded explosive and took it out of the water. De diver has probably touched the explosive will have permanent damage to his left-hand.
How the explosive got there in the first place and if there are more of these explosives is not clear yet. The police of Rotterdam-Rijnmond is running currently an investigation.
Diving in the Oostvoornse Meer is not dangerous, but taking unknown obstacles, possible explosives, is.
The police is warning for the following:
• Do not take any strange objects from the Oostvoornse Meer.
• Do not search actively to any suspicious objects
• If you find any suspicious objects in the Oostvoornse Meer please contact the local authoroties and mark the spot where you found the object. Call 0900 2005 005 (€ 0,10 per minute, available 24 uur a day).
It should be noted for our American friends on this forum that there is at least one confirmed WWII bomber in this lake (somewhere) with a cargo of phosphorus (cluster?) bombs on board. It was also along the landing route to a WWII era runway and there is a strong possibility that other undetonated ordinance is in the lake. Furthermore, WWII era bombs are frequently found during building projects throughout the country, which is why people take things like finding even small bombs like this very seriously.

Link to that story,Oostvoornse meer: Photos and videos on Google Maps, chosen by u btw the (Britsh) Lancaster bomber has been salvaged for the most part,alas 1 airman is still unaccounted for.
I've seen it once(parts of it) ammo and guns have been reported in the past.
No bombs though.

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