I'm taking a group of random divers on a trip to the Clipper in South Padre Island, South Padre Diving, South Padre Activities, South Padre Snorkel October 24 and have room! It's $175 and we're camping on the beach. I'm thinking a cot and a sleeping bag is all you need. I'm taking as many in my car down as will fit from Austin.
Basically, it's my buddy Todd and perhaps a few other random folks out to have fun.
We plan to leave at 5 that Friday and return Sunday morning.
Please let me know if you're interested and planning to come and you can call American Diving down there, 956 761-2030 to book your spot.
Basically, it's my buddy Todd and perhaps a few other random folks out to have fun.
We plan to leave at 5 that Friday and return Sunday morning.
Please let me know if you're interested and planning to come and you can call American Diving down there, 956 761-2030 to book your spot.