DA Aquamaster: since no one has replied to your post about ADHD and Autism...
DA Aquamaster:
...every time I removed a child from their home and placed them in foster care...it was obvious the kid did not just spontaneously develop ADHD but instead had a perfectly normal adjustment issue due to being placed in foster care and usually in a new school.
Would you say the majority of diagnoses of ADHD come from children in the foster care system? Do you have any evidence to back this up?
You have no idea how much pressure there is to just medicate kids rather than actually deal with the issues. Pills are simple, raising kids is more complicated.
I definitely agree that ADHD has become a cache diagnosis for kids. I doubt that this means that the diagnosis itself needs to be thrown out altogether or discounted. Interesting how it relates to the way folks are responding to the thread: "people are overreacting to X, so let's eliminate X!" I know you didn't advocate eliminating the diagnosis, but your tone came close to implying it.
If you look at Japan, ADHD is treated as a behavioral condition. It is screened for in kindergarten and resolved with behavioral intervention. In the US on the other hand, we diagnose the hell out of it...
We in the US treat ADHD as a behavioral condition as well, and is screened for and treated with behavioral intervention. Not sure what the difference between "screening" and "diagnosing" is, but it's done. Are the Japanese not using ritalin at all? Again, do you have evidence?
In that same vein, I see the same thing occuring with Autism diagnosis in children. Any psychiatric disorder is a matter of degree from normal to pathological. But the autism crowd has done really well as they now have an Autism spectrum disorder, where you can diagnose a child with autism spectrum disorder just for having a symptom or two that would be, and should be, considered to be within the normal range of human behavior...
While I was also taught that "psychiatric disorder is a matter of degree from normal to pathological", autism "looks" much different than ADHD. I work with this diagnosis every day, and while I would say that while objectively defining ADHD is difficult, autism is quite different. Also, from my experience, most autistic kids are NOT on medications as a result of being autistic.
So please, don't give me that ADHD/Autism crap. Rates are up because it is popular to diagnose and it has some secondary gain for parents in some situations.
Again, ADHD maybe, autism, definitely not. I hope there are no parents of autistic kids in the audience. It's not a party anyone wants to be invited to.
...we are a society seeking the feel good solutions while ignoring the real issues. If someone objects and points out the ineffectiveness of a law, they get shouted down with an argument along the lines of "something is better than nothing".
We are a society of humans with differing opinions (farts) whose opinions (farts) sound (smell) good to them selves, but not to others. Opinions are great, but when they are not supported by facts they have little value. You've provided many facts in this argument and for that I thank you. I certainly didn't mean for my post to attack you...I just responded because I work with the folks you were talking about.
One of the things I feel is missing in this thread is the official explanation of the motivation for the ban. There must have been a scientific study related to the legislation. Anyone have the info? It could be that there are connections we have not brought up here (other than Californians are wackos?).
Please don't say that lead hasn't killed you...it doesn't. It has been shown to impact the development of neurons in the brains of children. I believe lead dust has a negative impact on the lungs as well, yes?
Question: If I moved out of Cali, would I become all of a sudden less wacko? Become a human? Become less of a human? Or am I doomed because I was born here?