So we have more rules and regulations from the nanny state.
I see the potential for danger in lead, but if you want to look for dangers like that how about CFL's(compact flourescent lights) which have plenty of mercury in them, Smoke detectors have radioactive material in them, Your phone and computer batteries have lithium in them, your flat panel tv has lead in it. I can keep going........
Because of all the rules and regulations out of California, my work truck which is diesel, when I bought it got no more than 15 miles per gallon.(due to emissions and other reducing factors. I have since removed a few items, and added some others, (hello twin turbos and 1000+ hp and 1500+ ft/lbs of torque) I now not only have rediculous power, but I am getting 36 miles per gallon out of a 10000 pound truck that seats six people comfortably and can still haul 20,000+ pounds of trailer.
I do have issue with Prius' and other hybrids or even electrics of that sort. With an electric car you are still putting out the emissions, but not directly. Where do you think the electric that is charging the car comes from? Yes some may be from solar, wind or other alternative energy, but most is coming from burning or fossil fuels. With a Prius, or for better example a Honda Civic hybrid, you actually have more emissions from the hybrid over the gas. With a standard Honda Civic you get over 40 miles per gallon, in a Civic Hybrid the mileage doesn't improve much more.......Why?? Added weight from electric motors and batteries. With the added weight you have an engine that is working harder and producing more emissions due to that.
I see the potential for danger in lead, but if you want to look for dangers like that how about CFL's(compact flourescent lights) which have plenty of mercury in them, Smoke detectors have radioactive material in them, Your phone and computer batteries have lithium in them, your flat panel tv has lead in it. I can keep going........
Because of all the rules and regulations out of California, my work truck which is diesel, when I bought it got no more than 15 miles per gallon.(due to emissions and other reducing factors. I have since removed a few items, and added some others, (hello twin turbos and 1000+ hp and 1500+ ft/lbs of torque) I now not only have rediculous power, but I am getting 36 miles per gallon out of a 10000 pound truck that seats six people comfortably and can still haul 20,000+ pounds of trailer.
I do have issue with Prius' and other hybrids or even electrics of that sort. With an electric car you are still putting out the emissions, but not directly. Where do you think the electric that is charging the car comes from? Yes some may be from solar, wind or other alternative energy, but most is coming from burning or fossil fuels. With a Prius, or for better example a Honda Civic hybrid, you actually have more emissions from the hybrid over the gas. With a standard Honda Civic you get over 40 miles per gallon, in a Civic Hybrid the mileage doesn't improve much more.......Why?? Added weight from electric motors and batteries. With the added weight you have an engine that is working harder and producing more emissions due to that.