Cabo dive site ?

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Just wanted to know if Cabo Pulmo dive site is worth the 2 hrs its going to take from Cabo. And does the dive boats down there have ladders to get back into the boat.
The trip was well worth it for us. The boat we went on did have a ladder as I remember. I believe we went diving with the friendly people at the Cabo Pulmo Beach Resort. Either way, we had to hand up our BCs, then climb up the ladder to get back into their super panga.
The trip is definitely worth the 2 hours! The diving is great at CP. My wife & I cut short a CSL trip last year so we could go back and spend another couple of days there.
Ok everyone's opion seen to say its worth it. So if you only have a chance for two dives in Cabo Pulmo which ones?

And is there any chance to see a whale shark?

Ok everyone's opion seen to say its worth it. So if you only have a chance for two dives in Cabo Pulmo which ones?

And is there any chance to see a whale shark?


If you only have a chance for two dives in Cabo Pulmo, you'll do whatever the DM chooses. No ifs, ands, or buts. Sorry. The first dive will be a skills/buoyancy checkout; the second will be DM's choice depending on weather, visibility, currents, etc.

You can *ask* for, say, Los Frailes, where the sea lions play, or a drift dive, or the tuna ship wreck, but it all depends on the vis., currents, skills of other folks on the boat, etc.

Not to worry, though. Everything in Cabo Pulmo is a short boat ride.

If you're doing a pre-arranged trip via a dive shop in Cabo to Cabo Pulmo which includes transportation (for example, Land's End Divers have their own vans), you'll leave around 7am; get to Cabo Pulmo around 9am; do a 2-tank dive, finishing around 12noon; have lunch; & be back in town around 3-4pm.

If you're on your own, leave town by 7am to be at Cabo Pulmo by 9am.

Be sure to take cash & your C-card.

As for sharks, mantas, etc.: At various points, they've been sighted in the Sea of Cortez. Whether they choose to exhibit themselves the day that you dive... I hope you get to see lots of interesting critters!!!
Ok everyone's opion seen to say its worth it. So if you only have a chance for two dives in Cabo Pulmo which ones?

And is there any chance to see a whale shark?


Well, there is a chance, but it is probably a small chance.

Before we went out, our dive group had to decide on a two tank dive, or a one tank dive an snorkle with a whale shark if one appeared.

Of course, a whale shark did not visit us, but I guess it is a good sign that you need to make a plan in case one shows up.

If you go, and you are fortunate enough to see a whale shark, please pick six numbers from 1 to 54, and email them to me.
Of the two times I've been there, we mostly dove El Bajo & Los Morros (around 65 ft) and El Cantil (around 40 ft). There are some deeper sites, but we didn't go to any and didn't ask to.

The first time, we went with Kevin of Amigos del Mar. Since we dove with his shop in CSL prior to our CP trip, he was comfortable with our skill level. We just got in a boat with a local captain and the 3 of us went diving, with Kevin playing DM.

On the second trip, we stayed at CP and dove with CP Beach Resort. There were no skills or buoyancy checks. The DM's assessed our skill level on the first dive and were comfy with us for the remaining dives.

The drive is beautiful from CSL to CP and so is the beach & mountain scenery at CP.
We have decided to let manta make all the arrangements for us in travel to Cabo Pulmo
I'm hoping that by doing so they will inform the dive master of our skills when we get their. Manta email me to let me know that the dive boat doesn't have an exit ladder and no shade. Well if have met me, you would know I'm no small creature and often refer myself to a slow moving whale instead of a eagleray. So getting into the boat is going to be real interesting. Maybe it would be best to throw a line out and drag me back. lol.
Thank you for all the feedback and if you all have anything else about this trip to Cabo that you think is worth while, let us know.

We have decided to let manta make all the arrangements for us in travel to Cabo Pulmo
I'm hoping that by doing so they will inform the dive master of our skills when we get their. Manta email me to let me know that the dive boat doesn't have an exit ladder and no shade. Well if have met me, you would know I'm no small creature and ofter refer myself to a slow moving whale instead of a eagleray. So getting into the boat is going to be real interesting. Maybe it would be best to throw a line out and drag me back. lol.
Thank you for all the feedback and if you all have anything else about this trip to Cabo that you think is worth while, let us know.


We used Cabo Pulmo Divers as our dive-op; operated by Mario & son. They were recommended by the shop we used in Cabo, as our entire family was going, and they said "you've got your own car; it's cheaper to go by yourselves than to book with us." Our DM was Roger; there's a French woman (Martine? Marina?) who also assists. We were asked to show our C-cards + most recent dive. It was a mixed group; based on existing current, winds, & vis., the DM chose to do the first dive at the shipwreck to evaluate peoples' buoyancy; second dive TBD, but likely a drift dive if everyone was good. (Yes, and they did the El Bajo reef, looking at my log).

The pangas require a backroll entry. If you've done it before, no big deal. If you haven't done a backroll before, I actually prefer backroll to giant stride. Put a bit of air into your BC, stick reg into mouth, breathe, mask on, one hand on mask & reg, & roll off. Resurface & give the OK sign, then, follow the pre-dive briefing instructions regarding descent (immediate? off the anchor line? by buddy pair?).

Reentry is more, umm, interesting. I have little upper-body strength. (Like below 5th percentile for my age group, or something). You take off your weight belt & hand it up. You remove BCD/tank/reg & hand it up. Ditto camera (if you've got one). Grab a hold of the boat's gunwales with one hand, then, take off mask/snorkel & hand it up. Now, grab the gunwales with both hands, and watch the boat rock. Ask for assistance from the folks already on board. Do pullups in sync with the boat rocking to get a rhythm going. When the boat rocks down towards you, (a) perform a pull-up while (b) finning like mad, and (c) say "pull, pull, pull me up please". (Very helpful to be wearing a wetsuit, skin, or at least a shorty, regardless of water temp, in order to avoid abrasions!) As you flop at least your chest over the gunwales, you can dip your head down & legs up, and finish flopping into the boat, making your best impersonation of a beaching flounder.

Remember: No such thing as a dry area in the panga. If you must have a dry item, bring your own dry stuffsack.

Be sure to give the DM & boat captain a nice gratuity for hauling you in afterwards :D

The beach & scenery at Cabo Pulmo is absolutely wonderful. Undeveloped, fine sand, etc. That said, both trips that we took to Cabo Pulmo left us underwhelmed regarding sealife w/r/t Cabo San Lucas. Perhaps just a bad weather day; WaterWayne (I think) has hit it on a good day, and absolutely loved it.

I'd return to Cabo Pulmo for snorkeling & the beach, and not necessarily for the diving. (Mind you, I wouldn't say no to diving, but I wouldn't feel deprived by not diving). OTOH, I'd be perfectly happy to repeat dive sites at CSL.

Can't wait to see your pics & trip report!

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