The only "issue" we had was two of us had gear bags that were too heavy for the flight we were on, so we had to wait an hour for the next flight to show up with our stuff on it, but we just grabbed a beer at Jamal's (sp) right outside the airport.
Hey, that's not an "issue." That's a great excuse to drink a beer!
Regarding catching a local flight out of Goldson, am I correct in thinking that after I arrive from Dallas, clear customs and walk out the Arrivals door, I then turn left and go back in the Departures door to hook up with Tropic? That is to say, is it the same Departures door I enter when I'm leaving the country to fly back to the States?
And from there I would then go through the same metal detector area and go back into the same waiting area as the flights leaving the country. Correct?
A local flight will be a first for me there. I understand that we may even make a few stops along the way before reaching Placencia. That would be so cool!
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