BW: Jan 1st 2013

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Cupertino, California, United States
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0 - 24
Hello World! I'm new here (and more or less new to diving too)

My wife and I are heading out to BW on Jan. 1st. I know some are doing night dives on NYE, anyone going Tuesday? We'd certainly like to meet new people!

---------- Post added January 1st, 2013 at 12:56 PM ----------

The dive was OK. My wife and I went in around 10:30 am. Visibility was between 5 to 7 feet (about 10 in one spot) and there were about 2 other dive teams (8 divers total, maybe - the lawn was deserted). Since I am a bit of newbie I got trashed into the sand while getting back. The outgoing tide made it a bit tricky for a beginner like me: before I knew it it was too shallow to take off my fins while conformably floating and ened up like a beached whaled. Luckily a couple of other divers helped me get on my feet (again: thank you!). Lessons learned: take out fins sooner, specially if the tide is going out -- any comments, recommendations on that? (And also, once I'm more experienced, pay the favor back and help a fellow "beached whale")
When you have a great disparity in water depth between in going and outgoing waves, you need to time your entries/exits carefully. It also forces you to be expedient in donning/doffing your gear. With time, this will improve. The only thing you need is "more diving." Since you're a new diver, you might want to check with your local dive shop. Some have organized dives to acquaint you with the various dive sites in the area. AWS will be at Lover's Point this Sunday. Should be a great opportunity to gain experience under the supervision of experienced divers.

Also, if you had conditions that mirror those in the picture below, don't bother going in.

Breakwater Rough.jpg
I'd basically say what Ouvea said, but he said it more eloquently than I could've. Hooking up with a few other experienced divers and just getting out more often will really help. In your certain case, I've found that I sometimes drift in too shallow when taking fins off and just start kicking/paddling w/ a fin in my hand to get out deeper again. I'd rather take them off too deep and then use them as paddles in my hand to get in shallower.

A little late notice, but I'll be there around noonish tomorrow probably and would be happy to dive with you.
I would certainly not go out in conditions like the picture above if I was a new dive team. I have dove in conditions similar to the picture in which the surge was moving water all the way from the #2 marker on the breakwater up to the stairs. This turned out to be one of the best dives I have ever had at the BW. To my surprise, there was very little surge at depth and LOTS of life out with 20-25 ft. visibility. With more dives you will get a feel for water movement. As always, the decision not to dive is a good one.
Hey Ouvea- when was that picture taken? Just curious
Thanks everyone! I've gone out a couple of times with the Blue Water Aquatics shop and a few other times with coworkers, this dive today was the first time that was just my wife and I. Anyone going to BW this Saturday? I'll be going then.
Hey Ouvea- when was that picture taken? Just curious

That picture was taken December first of last year. Even during the lull, the water was quite turbulent as if a mini maelstrom hoovered right at the shoreline. Never thought I would see only two dive teams on a Saturday. Needless to say, I did not go in and had lunch at the wharf instead. The two teams reported 15-20 feet in the deeper areas.

@ jamirocake:

Was planning to dive with the Any Water Sports group on Sunday (Lover's Point - the point, not the cove). Consider going as well. It's always more relaxing diving in a new area with other exeperienced divers. If the weekend promisses good conditions, I might just dive both days. It's been a while since we've had favorable conditions during the weekend.
I would like to go to the Lover's Point fun dive. Would that be a shore dive? What's the customary depth for a fun dive in Lover's Point?

Lover's Point is a fairly shallow dive. You'll be in probably about 25-30 feet of water for the majority of the dive. It's quite shallow. I'll be down on Saturday since the conditions are good but will probably visit Monastery Beach. If it's too rough, I'll head back into the Bay and will probably dive at the Breakwater.

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