Buyin off the net (sp DiveINN)??

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Ok, I've seen tons of people mentioning the subject of buying on the net vs. a dealer here but I want to get down to brass tacks here.

I'm specifically curious about DiveINN... this place is amazing when it comes to price!! Its got to be the best find on the net. Stuff is litterally 30-50% of what I can get at my corner dive shop. From the sounds of it people are really happy with the service they get.

However.... this nasty warranty thing.... does anyone know what the real impact of buying something from DiveINN is (aka real experience).

:confused:Is stuff on warranty or not? If not then what happens when I take my new regulator (for example) to get its yearly checkup a Joe Dive Shop? Do they yell at me and tell me never to comeback? Charge me $400.00??

Whenever I take my current stuff in nobody cares where or when I bought it... they just take it and fix it.
I bought from them.
I bought a MK20/S600 regulator. Actually 2 of them. They were 200Bar DIN models with the Din to Yoke adapter. When I received it the Adapter was an Aqualung that wouldn't work with the ScubaPro.
When I informed them of this it took 2 months to get the answer of send it back and we'll replace it with a ScubaPro but it should work with your reg as we didn't have any problems.

Let's see. Screw the DIN into the adapter hook the Yoke up to a cylinder and turn air on. Air then blasts out from where the adapter and the Din screw together. Not really brain surgery to figure out the adapter doesn't work. And I already bought an adapter here at a cost of $50 ea that would work.

Moral of the story.


And I still have the aqua lung adapters. I didn't want to waste a day waiting for DHL to pick them up or to drive them to a DHL facility in the city. As that's about a 3.5 hour trip.

Haven't bought from them since. And I was buying about $1000 a week from them.....
They have cheap prices but the service needs some looking into.
I've only dealt with them once. They did fine. I don't care about warrenty issues. For the savings, I can buy a lot of parts and even send it away to have someone fix it. I just don't worry about it. Buy quality gear and hope for the best.

I have purchased items from them and had excellent service. None of my stuff required replacement or repair so I have not had to tackle that issue. I am with the group though... I will purchase 99% of all my gear online because you can get it 30%-50% cheaper. I support my LDS, but not in equipment sales (way over priced), I support them with the services they provide from repair, dive trips, instruction, etc.... A dive shop will thrive if they adapt.
I agree with Lost Yooper with regards to warranties.

I have bought thousands of dollars worth of stuff from diveinn and never had a problem. Quick and courteous, with great prices and shipping that is in 3 days. I have nothing but good things to say.

With regards to Mverick: I thought the Yoke adaptor was a universal fitting for DIN-that's what the idea is, right? DIN to Yoke conversion?. I put an OMS adaptor on my Apeks with no problem. Why wouldn't an Aqualung yoke work on a Scubapro DIN? I belive it didn't work but I wonder why?
I echo LY and buff, bought a good bit of stuff, but do not really look at the warranty. From what I have seen and read most of the quality name scuba gear is very well made. If I did have a problem with it I would check on the price of getting it fixed at the lds, and then maybe just get another one from diveinn. From my experience in other products many times warranties are not all they are cracked up to be. You may have to mail the product in, pay shipping etc. but without your stuff while being fixed, they may say it is unrepairable but only give you partial money back since it is used, and so on.

I take it as part of the cheap price is not paying people to answer my questions, I need to know. Diversdiscount seems to have people on staff, and Leisure pro might.

Other than on my regs and bc, I don't pay much attention to the warranty either. On the regs, it's a lot like insurance. You can hope you never need it and probably never will, but in the event you do need it and don't have it, you'll be kicking yourself for not buying it from your local dive shop.

It's true that the internet vs. lds issue has been worked over many times. I think the middle ground on the issue I have seen a few times is that it's okay to get most of your gear off the net, but the important life support equipment like your regulators and bc should be purchased from your local dive shop. The other things that should not be gotten from the net include any type of instruction and air. Web-based air tastes funny.
Just trolling through the post and found this subject which is right down the alley Im traveling. I just purchased my equipment from DIVEINN (BC,Reg,suites),etc yesterday. I've asked numerous questions about each products from the folks and they've alway's replied.

I will let you know on delivery times, products, etc. I did not look to much into warranties due to manufacturer's warranties are 1 year and if i do have trouble it's going to the LDS where I purchase a majority of mask, fins, accessories, so i believe they will service and take good care of me.

Prices, that was key, saved over $1000.00, i just believe that servicing in the future would not eat that up.

Ill keep you posted.

With regards to the DIN to yoke conversion.

You would think they would be universal. Basicly the aqualung they sent me had a large base, opposite of the screw knob, and the scubapro Din has a small recess in its tightening knob. The aqualung base was to large to fit into the recess. So the two never seated together. The aqualung works with my Apeks 300bar though and Dive Rite works with my ScubaPro. As does the ScubaPro.

But the fittings for some weird reason aren't universal. And if a store is selling me one as a kit with a reg I kinda expect them to try it to make sure it fits. And DiveInn seems to need some people who have a little experience with gear. It wasn't rocket science to figure out they don't work together. And I hope the people they have there that are supposed to service the gear under warranty know more than there sales people do.....

They take a long time to reply when you have a problem also.

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