I got the Santi eMotion. Santi boot sizes are wonky though, something you must watch out for, especially if you do not have narrow feet. Wear a pair of thick hotfoot socks to test them out.
If they fit widthwise, they end up too long. If they are just nice lengthwise, the width is too narrow and is painful for your foot. If they fit, make sure you measure the amount of space at the front of your toes. There should not be more than 1 - 2 finger widths of space.
The "too long boot" is a problem because you get gas migrating and staying trapped in your boot, making your fins feel like they're popping off. You end up not being able to inflate your suit properly to give you proper arm mobility for valve drills, as putting enough air into it will take away your ability to kick properly.
I already know a number of divers who encountered the same problems with the Santi suits, so beware.
Guys I know who get the FE Argonaut suits seem to like them, and they seem to be much easier to dive with (esp. to dump gas), although I heard the cutting is very fitting and you might not be able to fit really thick undies with it. So if you are trying/getting the FE, wear the thickest undergarments you think you will need for your diving.