I disagree that capturing and eating animals is a privilege, not a right. It is right and a duty to either do so yourself or be a mercenary and pay other people to kill animals for you and sell you the flesh so you can eat it.
Since federal and state wildlife biologists have determined that the U.S. popuplation of 300+ million exceeds the capacity of the remaining wildlife to support us as food in any way, federal and state wild game have been designated as protected, and the opportunity to hunt a small proportion of them is deemed by the law to be "a privilege."
You can disagree all you want. When you disagree to the point of overt acts in defiance of federal and state statutes, you get arrested, fined, and jailed.
Jail time really messes up your social life and your job.
That's how democracy works. The People elect officials, comprised of legislators, mayors, governors, and Presidents. These elected officials formulate, impose, and enforce the law. Defy them, after you cast your ballot, and you would be really messing up your social life and your job.