Brian Gilpin:Just a note of appreciation for the DFG. There are a lot of people who dont respect our resources even with them on patrol. Without them there would not be a lobster or abalone on the North Coast of California. They regularly bust people taking obscene amounts of illegal game for profit. If that infringes on my liberty a bit Im not too upset. We have had them ask to look through our gear up in Mendocino County. I always thank them for their important work.
I appreciate the game wardens as well. All of my experiences with them have been good. Of course I always try to dot all my I's and cross all of my T's so that if I get stopped, there are no violations.
Once several years ago I was solo hunting with my jeep way up in the mountains, on a steep trail where only my jeep could go. I was mostly scouting for tracks, to set up for a dusk hunt and then camp out overnight til dawn.
Out of the blue, a game warden walked up to my jeep, while I was having lunch under a tree. We had a friendly chat and talked about where all the buck deer could be hiding, and then he asked permission to inspect my rifle in my jeep. I smiled and told him it was fine for him to do so, just go ahead and take it out of the jeep and look at it, that it was unloaded, and that I always keep 3 bullets in my shirt pocket in case I need them.
He did the drill, and then he came back and shook my hand and thanked me for obeying the local hunting laws, which some hunters considered unreasonable, but which it was his job to enforce. I told him I had no problem with the state's hunting laws, and that I believed the laws promoted gun safety as well as protected the precious game animals, that we all enjoy seeing and hunting for.
I sold all of my hunting gear to afford tech scuba gear. So I do not hunt anymore, other than for shipwrecks.