This was actually covered in my inspector's class, and under my cert I'm not allowed to VIP a valve with a single axial outlet for the burst disc. Having seen one of those go many years ago in a dive shop, I can tell you from personal experience what happens if one of those fails with the tank standing up and unsecured. First, the side thrust pushes the tank over. Next, it hit the floor and starts to roll. Once the burst disc port is pointing more or less horizontally, the tank stops rolling. It begins to spin. It spins *fast*. I climbed up on a glass display case with everyone else running or climbing something nearby. Oh, and it's freakin' LOUD, too. Nobody was hurt, though.
Don't use these things. Newer style burst assemblies of both kinds have radial, opposed ports and develop nearly no net thrust. Valves are cheap, ankles and feet and shins not so much.
Just my .02.