As of last week, the Straits of Mackinac Shipwreck Preserve Association has placed buoys on the Cedarville bow, Barnum engine, Minneapolis, Young bow and Mailand bow.
This year, because of a generous donation by two families, we have enough hard cone style buoys to place them throughout the preserve from the Col. Ellsworth to the St. Andrew. The Rec Diver has agreed to use its best efforts to assist in placing them. Hopefully they will all be in place before the 4th of July and will be replaced as lost.
The Asspiciation is in need of 3/8" galvanized shackles. If anyone wants to donate some, please send them to the St Ignace Chamber of Commerce.
As more buoys are placed we will continue to post that information.
This year, because of a generous donation by two families, we have enough hard cone style buoys to place them throughout the preserve from the Col. Ellsworth to the St. Andrew. The Rec Diver has agreed to use its best efforts to assist in placing them. Hopefully they will all be in place before the 4th of July and will be replaced as lost.
The Asspiciation is in need of 3/8" galvanized shackles. If anyone wants to donate some, please send them to the St Ignace Chamber of Commerce.
As more buoys are placed we will continue to post that information.