Bummed out by Attempt at OW Dive (long)

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Angela, I had a HORRIBLE time descending when I was a new diver. Yes, I have done the crossed ankles things, and if you bend your knees at the same time, you not only don't kick yourself upward, but when you get underwater, you'll pivot into a horizontal position!

Another good tip on descending is, as you push on the deflator button for your BC, INHALE! Everybody exhales when they do that, but it takes time for the air to come out of the BC, and by the time your head goes underwater, you generally need to take a breath, which pops you right back up. Instead, INHALE as you push the button, and as your head goes underwater, sharply EXHALE and hold the exhalation for a few seconds. That will help you to continue downwards.

There's almost no awkwardness or problem you can have as a new diver that I haven't had before you, and I muddled through them all :)

I'm printing out your suggestion about inhaling when I deflate, and the bending of my knees. These look like great suggestions. I'm going to tuck them into my PADI book, or make a notebook with some of these suggestions so that I don't forget them. You definitely had an uphill struggle with your first dives and training, but I get the impression you've come to be really skillful with all this. How long did it take you before, more times than not, it was pleasurable and not struggling with skills?
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Angela, it's a good question. Some days, I still struggle with skills. My friend Mo2vation calls those "combative dives" -- The ones where you and the water just can't come to terms. I think most people have them from time to time.

I'd say my first nine dives (OW and AOW) were not much fun, except in moments. I was frequently disoriented, struggling with skills, struggling with my equipment, and always terribly worried about hurting myself. I'm not, honestly, sure why I kept on, except that I have way too much bulldog in my temperament, and the moments of weightlessness were pretty cool.

Then I went to Maui, and spent several days doing EASY diving -- no current, enormous viz, a thin wetsuit, tons of sea life to marvel at. I suddenly discovered that the marginal skills I had were PLENTY for that environment. To this day, I love any opportunity I get to dive wet -- It's SO much easier.

But I came home convinced that diving was something I really, really wanted to do, in the warm clear water of Maui, and in the cold, murky water of Puget Sound. And I was fortunate enough to find (on Scubaboard, in fact) a generous, gifted mentor, who took my sorry self under his wing, and began the diving education I didn't have. He was the one who taught me about inhaling when starting a descent, and about crossing my ankles, and about clasping my hands to avoid swimming with them, and about doing a little tiny kick from the ankles, instead of a full leg flutter kick that leaves a silt trail. He helped me get my weighting right, and showed me that staying just a little bit off the bottom gave me much more immediate visual feedback on my buoyancy than trying to dive a long ways above it. Sooo many lessons, and I try to pass them on whenever I can, because NWGratefulDiver's generosity is why I still dive.

It's worth it. It's the coolest thing I've ever learned to do. I'm still not very good at it, compared with some of my friends, but I'm good enough to have a wonderful time again and again and again, and do it safely.
Just another female chimming in on your plight. I live in NJ and it is damn cold here. Tried diving off our coast last summer and "called the dive" after not even 5 minutes into the dive. It was choppy (already puked once) Vis was about 5 foot, I was in a 7mm farmer john with hood. My mask kept leaking, my 7mm gloves prevented me from feeling anything on my BC, I was so floaty I couldn't get down which was fine since my mask was leaking anyway. It is just not fun for me to dive cold water. My husband loves it - lucky him.

It sounds like you like diving since you did it in Mx, so you know you can do it. Why not just to your classroom/pool dives where you live and finish up with referral dives in a warm climate. Or as someone suggested go on a dive trip with your dive shop where they usually complete open water certs as part of the trip package. That way you have built a report with your instructor and are more comfortable with them.

Step back, relax and enjoy. Hope your knee gets better quickly.
Good Luck,
Was this pool time with an instructor or unsupervised?


It was unsupervised.

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