We (johnnyseko and I) dove at Ft. Wetherell today in the left cove. It was dang cold. The vis. sucked. It was crowded with obnoxious kids. I am so cold that I will refrain from my usual flowery speech and just tell you what we saw:
About half a dozen lobsters (all of which were too small and/or which I failed to catch)
Some neat anemones, both lined and the kind that burrows in the mud
a gunnelish fish
a 6"ish sculpin
Lotsa cunner
a couple juvenile tautog
a spotfin butterfly fish about the size of a silver dollar who was colder than me
2 fishing lures
a golf ball
a piebald green crab
a puffer fish about the size of a grape
a BIG flounder that had a BIG nasty bite wound
Did I mention it was cold?
About half a dozen lobsters (all of which were too small and/or which I failed to catch)
Some neat anemones, both lined and the kind that burrows in the mud
a gunnelish fish
a 6"ish sculpin
Lotsa cunner
a couple juvenile tautog
a spotfin butterfly fish about the size of a silver dollar who was colder than me
2 fishing lures
a golf ball
a piebald green crab
a puffer fish about the size of a grape
a BIG flounder that had a BIG nasty bite wound
Did I mention it was cold?