Breaking news from the whale wars

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Addressed perfectly. Since you have absolutely no idea of my scientific background saying something along the lines of its to technical for a layman to understand is just a simple way of saying I elect not to answer the question.

I said it was the majority is too technical to ME to understand.

I didn't say the majority is was too technical for YOU to understand.

If *I* don't understand the technical nature of the articles, then *I* can't explain it to *YOU*.

I hope this addresses the point.
They need to watch the south park episode.

Well, i have to thankyou for the props to South Park. That episode is hilarious!!!!!

Cartman in the porpoise shirt for publicity is brilliant

How do Trey Parker and Matt Stone come up with the stuff they come up with? They are brilliant.
Doc Harry,

You missed something in the video though. The Shonan Maru #2 is a research vessel and they where simply testing the strength of the Ady Gill's hull. Since this sinking was done in the name of scientific research it should be a none issue that they intentionally rammed the Ady Gill.

Wonders if the video from the Shonan Maru #2 is evidence that the Japanese will be making there own TV series on conducting whale research, with a special focus on the pirates who are attempting to prevent the curing of AIDS by interfering with the harvesting of whales.
If *I* don't understand the technical nature of the articles, then *I* can't explain it to *YOU*.

I hope this addresses the point.

So you don't understand the research that you are defending. You should move to the united states you would fit in perfectly with the people who vote for the president based on who has the most trendy TV commercial.
You [-]would have[/-] voted for what's his name and Sarah? :shocked2:
thanksforallthefish makes an excellent point about perspective. I watched the video again, this time looking for clues regarding relative positioning.

When you watch the CNN video, closely watch the relationship between the waves in the foreground and the Ady Gil in the distance. Using your peripheral vision, watch the action in the background.

Here is what I saw:

The ship taking the video appears to be relatively stationary throughout the video. It seems clear that the Shonan Maru definitely makes a radical turn towards the Ady Gil.

The Ady Gill appears to be almost dead in the water for most of the video. When you compare the CNN video to the video shot from the Shonan Maru, this is confirmed. If you look at the wake of the Ady Gil in the Japanese video, the Ady Gil is not really moving (there is almost no wake).

At the last second before being rammed, the Ady Gil appears to accelerate and pull forward slightly. Again, looking at the video shot from the Shonan Maru, you can see that just before the ramming the Ady Gil accelerates and develops a wake. You can even see the wake develop in the CNN video.

As the Ady Gil accelerates forward, the Shonan Maru makes a correction to port to ram the Ady Gil that is moving to it's port side.

After the Shonan Maru rams the Ady Gil, the Shonan Maru keeps turning to port.

I think it's important to view both the CNN video and the video from the Shonan Maru to fully understand what happened. Pay partucular attention to the wake of the Ady Gil during the entire encounter, especially in the video shot from the Shonan Maru.

In the Japanese video, it appears that the Ay Gil is, in fact, driving in front of the Shonan Maru. However, when you look at the wake of the Ady Gil you realize that the Ady Gil is dead in the water. The CNN video makes it clear that it is the Shonan Maru that is turning to ram the Ady Gil.
I agree with this analysis, based on the second video here:

Video Views of a Violent Clash Over Whaling - Dot Earth Blog -

which I assume is the same video DocHarry is referring to, taken from a relatively distant and stable vantage point.
LoL now I didn't say that. Its a general reference to the large portion of the american population that votes for the president lacking any knowledge of what is actually going on.

Its to technical for me to understand so it must be worthwhile
So you don't understand the research that you are defending. You should move to the united states you would fit in perfectly with the people who vote for the president based on who has the most trendy TV commercial.

Do you need a bigger font or some new glasses?

I am pointing out the existence of the research, not commenting on it's quality.

For the third time, I will repeat:

I simply posted the links to disprove those people who were claiming there was no research at all. [

I await your apology for falsely accusing me of slurring your scientific background a few posts ago. I suspect I will be waiting a long time though as you seem determined to read what you want to read rather than what is written.
I hereby apologize for making the assumption of your slurring of my personal scientific background when in fact you where stating your lack of understanding on the actual results of the research being conducted.

See you didn't have to wait that long.

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