Breaking news from the whale wars

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Dragging big nets along the bottom destroying viable native habitat and tossing tons of dead by-catch back is hardly what I call sustainable, responsible harvest and in the long run it harms us all; but then again, you loves you some shrimp. :shakehead:

Well, we tried different methods for harvesting shrimp but those tiny hooks are a real bitch to bait.
Yes, yes, and Josef Mengele did a lot of important research on children, too.

The ends do not justify the means.

Well done for bring the Nazi's into this thread. Godwin's law has been invoked by the side losing the argument. Clap clap clap.
Well, we tried different methods for harvesting shrimp but those tiny hooks are a real bitch to bait.
Shrimp trawlers are dinosaurs and will be outlawed. Shrimp aquaculture, while imperfect and not without environmental questions is the only source from which I knowingly eat shrimp. When I lived on Oahu a friend was part of the UH study and we set up growing aquariums, within tossing distance of the Barbie!

Shrimp Trucks of Oahu's North Shore

USMSFP - U.S. Marine Shrimp Farming Program

About Shrimp Farming
Well done for bring the Nazi's into this thread. Godwin's law has been invoked by the side losing the argument. Clap clap clap.

You've provided some weak arguments when I asked you for facts and you've substantiated nothing. I would hardly call yours the winning side.
Like I asked earlier if you can provide links for the peer review publications that can provide objective information on whale research that can prove your argument and I'm perfectly willing to read them and make my own decisions based on the information they contain.
I would not use Sea Shepherd as an unobjective source and I'd feel the same about the IWC.
The rest of the world is against whaling and this is the forum to prove us wrong. I'm open to what you can provide.
You've provided some weak arguments when I asked you for facts and you've substantiated nothing.

I must have missed your request for facts. Please repeat them.

Like I asked earlier if you can provide links for the peer review publications that can provide objective information on whale research that can prove your argument and I'm perfectly willing to read them and make my own decisions based on the information they contain.

Are you unable to read? The citations for the articles are clearly displayed at the end of each paper. There are no free links for most academic papers, you pay for the subscription to the periodical or you pay for the articles on an individual basis.

Free feel to review in your own time.

I would not use Sea Shepherd as an unobjective source and I'd feel the same about the IWC.

The research articles are not pro or anti whaling - they are research into a number of subjects around (mostly) minke whales. They're published in academic journals, some examples being

Journal of Oceanography
Oxford Journals | Life Sciences & Medicine | Molecular Biology and Evolution
Molecular Ecology - Journal Information
Cambridge Journals Online - Zygote

Frankly, I won't hold my breath waiting for you to decide whether you think these are credible pieces of research as I suspect the content is rather specialized. Certainly I think it is impossible to dismiss the research as non-existent, as several people in this thread have been inclined to do.

The rest of the world is against whaling and this is the forum to prove us wrong. I'm open to what you can provide.

It's just as easy for me to say the rest of the world hates America as it is for you to say the rest of the world hates whaling, and just as meaningless.
Here's the video from the CNN website that clearly shows that the Shonan Maru made a radical turn starboard to ram the Ady Gil. The Shonan Maru even made a last-second maneuever to get perpendicular to the Ady Gil before ramming it. Then, after the deliberate attack, the Shonan Maru turned back to port.

Doesn't get any clearer than this!

Whale activists say their catamaran was sunk by Japanese vessel -
Geoff you still did not provide any direct links to the points you were trying to make.
You provided links to an IWC website.
You provided links to some peer review publications.
There is no link between the two.

Let go of the shovel, you're only digging yourself a deeper hole.
Here's the video from the CNN website that clearly shows that the Shonan Maru made a radical turn starboard to ram the Ady Gil. Then, after the deliberate attack, the Shonan Maru turned back to port.

Whale activists say their catamaran was sunk by Japanese vessel -

I guess you see what you want to see Doc. The rest of us tend to look a little more objectively though. Quite frankly I find it absurd to think a huge steel whaling ship can outmaneuver a super nimble fibre glass trimaran unless Sea Shepherd were deliberately getting too close in rough seas, and then accelerating straight into the side of the Shonan Maru II.

This video clearly shows them dangerously cutting across the front of the whaling vessel earlier in the day and attempting to foul the propeller.
This video clearly shows them dangerously cutting across the front of the whaling vessel earlier in the day and attempting to foul the propeller.

Its just a shame they where not successful.

Its a sad day when a diver is standing on side of killing whales for "research". Im sure since you are pro-research you can provide all of us with some form of positive scientific result that has come from this research. My favorite recent report resulting from this "research" is there has been a decline in the Minke whale population.

WELL NO **** YOUR KILLING THEM!!!!!!! So by killing them your research discovered there are now less of them. Well that is just absolutely astounding how on earth did they figure that out!

I just wish they had invested the 2 million dollars on installing torpedoes instead. Heres hoping that this little incident results in a global response putting an end to the raping of the Arctic oceans.
The video shown is dependant on what the boat the camera is on is doing.

Using the superstructure of the whaler as reference.

If it is stationary then it would seem the Japanese whaler alters course to starboard, however if the camera boat is moving toward the port side of the Japanese vessel (ie 90º to the direction of travel of the Japanese ship) then it would appear that the Japanese vessel does not alter course

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